View Full Version : Angina at a young age? Any statistics?

19-11-17, 02:46
Hey everyone,

I posted about my angina fears a few months ago. I remember when I exercised a few months ago I got some strange left side chest pain. However, they never occurred again during exercise. I attributed the original chest pain to a new exercise regimen. Anyway, after a long break I started working out again. I felt a very faint left sided chest pain this time. I noticed that my whole shoulder and arm area is super sore. It feels like a muscular pain. Whenever I move that area I can feel the pain.

Long story short. I started googling and every search result was angina. When I Googled about angina statistics I couldn't find any. When I Googled young people and angina my search results consisted of sites like "ANYONE can get angina", " Angina in 22 year old", "Angina increasing amongst young women" . This has really caused me to spiral and I am so scared.

Does anyone know of any statistics that may help reassure me? I am a 30 year old female and a mother of two. Thank you!

19-11-17, 03:16
I responded to that post of yours about this nearly three months ago.

Angina is pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. That only happens when you have heart disease. I have angina. I also have heart disease. You can't have angina without heart disease.

I can absolutely assure you what you describe is nothing like what it feels like. It feels like the beginning symptoms of a heart attack. I know, because I had two!

Bottom line is unless you've been diagnosed with coronary artery disease (which you haven't and won't), you don't have angina.

Positive thoughts