View Full Version : Please help

20-06-07, 14:53
I thought I was beginning to get better from my latest anxiety bout. I have had a steady improvement of anxiety and over the last couple of days really thought I had cracked it! I am so sorry if what I am about to explain sounds odd or makes no sense but I don't know who else to explain the symptoms to. Basically I have been busy this morning painting skirting boards to keep myself busy whilst off sick. Anyway as I was painting I kept getting a feeling/memory trying to come into my head (almost like when you are trying to catch a dream from the previous night) I don't know what the memory was of. It wasn't like I was just trying to remember a specific situation or anything! I felt like I was trying to grasp thoughts or memories that I have been having recently but couldn't. Then I suddenly felt panic flood through me and as I looked around I stuggled to recognise my surroundings. I knew I was at home but it felt very strange. This has happened a few times since today and I am so frightened that I am going mad or losing control. The worst thing is that I can't really explain the feelings and that scares me too. I really hpe that it is part of the anxiety and that I am getting better, but I need some help in trying to fathom out what is going on. If anyone can help explain I would be so grateful.


20-06-07, 15:01
:hugs: hi,

yes you are getting better, but your thoughts just created you to have a panic attack because you became concerned about what you were thinking, i think?

i also have these type of panic attacks, did you feel immobilized momentarily, like you were just frozen? i have these and they can lead me into all sorts of avoidance behaviour as they are very frightening! but whatever you felt, it would be a panic attack, so please dont feel frightened that you are going mad - easy for me to say as im terrified of them!:wacko:

but i do know they cant make you go mad, tho they are just very upsetting, try to just forget it and move on with your recovery, they may happen from time to time anyway and you will know that you have'nt gone mad or died, or lost control, but now you will probably be frightened by them, so try not to be:)

hope this helps, feel free to get in touch, all the best emma xxxxxxxxxxx:flowers: