View Full Version : Cancer fear now.

19-11-17, 16:06
So on top of my hair loss fear which isn't going away, I have no fixated on ovarian cancer..with seemingly all the symptoms to indicate it is. I have a doctor's appt on the 28th if this month but that is over a week away and my anxiety is so high now. In my rational moments I can think clearly but then I counteract any rationality with the thoughts like 'nobody ever thinks they are going to get seriously ill so why wouldn't it happen to me?' 'The pains and symptoms are all teal this time and you're just hoping and wasting time with thinking it's anxiety' ..i find myself exhausted all the time with worry and thoughts that race through my mind. My thinking is over active all the time that in grateful people can't see what I'm actually thinking!!..even when I'm talking to people im thinking of it...this has become such a huge part if my life now and i can't see an end to it..

19-11-17, 20:37
There is lots of things that sympton ovarian cancer it’s very unlikely so don’t worry just wait and see your doctor get the test don’t worry until there is something to worry about

20-11-17, 07:45
Thank you for replying..i am desperately trying not to worry but it's getting increasingly hard. I don't talk to anyone about my anxiety so it's exhausting trying to appear 'normal to my partner and children. Although I'm sure he knows that something is wrong. It just feels never-ending at the moment.

21-11-17, 10:11
what symptoms do you have? x

21-11-17, 11:13
It doesn’t matter what symptoms she has , there is literally so many different things that are the same symptoms are that, but are benign and not to worry about , it’s hard to remain calm to your children and partner when going through a worry u need to try not worry and dismiss it and wait until your doctors appointment and I’m sure they will say it’s all fine

24-11-17, 11:33
Not having the best day..tuesday seems like such a long time to wait for my gp appt. And what do I say?.i think i have ovarian cancer please do all the tests??! Thank you for your replies it does help to hear other people's opinions. I just want to be able to deal with this and move on but I seem to be getting worse.

24-11-17, 11:59
All your doing is ruining your day thinking about it, all you need to do is think Tuesday you can go and explain all your symptoms and the doctor will do what he sees fit, ans say your concerned about it , there’s nothing you can do from now to Tuesday to speed it up unless I go A n E , if not completely dismiss it and wait , and don’t worry chances are it’s nothing serious anxiety is evil

25-11-17, 12:31
Thank you, I am trying to just get on with my day/weekend. However I've now reverted back to an old HA which is thinking I'm developing severe psoriasis. I can't stop checking my body and it triggered when i found a dry patch of skin on my elbow. Didn't sleep last night worrying and now my skin feels itchy all over..i keep looking for patches..i seem to be getting worse and worse. Since June I've had nothing but crippling anxiety with barely any let up..im still waiting for CBT appt too..