View Full Version : Panicking, panicking and more panicking...

19-11-17, 17:57
Hey everyone,

Today is day three of my panic and currently I'm really scared. I am only 17 so this fear may seem irrational but basically I am really scared I have a DVT in my left leg. This all began on Thursday when I noticed my left thigh seemed a bit swollen (though it is not tender to the touch) and hurt when I bent it. Me being me I googled this and the first thing that came up was a blood clot...so I went to the doctors Friday and he examined me, told me not to worry and that I am too young to worry about a blood clot. Of course I went home and I disbelieved him after reading loads of stories about people my age and younger getting them and being misdiagnosed etc...so that night I rang NHS 111 and spoke to someone and she told me basically it is not a blood clot because of the position of it and my symptoms/age etc. She told to keep taking ibruprofen and not to worry only if it gets red, inflamed or I can't walk on it. So I felt better but then on Saturday I got in a state again, didn't sleep etc and ended up seeing an out of hours doc, basically examined my leg again and said its muscular. Didn't want to test or anything, which I got upset about as I have read about people being ignored etc and it being too late. Today is Sunday and I managed to sleep a little bit but kept waking up and going back (think this is down to worry) now I have some backache and shooting pains as I had before and I just feel really run down. My logic is telling me everything is okay, just let it pass etc, but my anxiety is telling me to go and see another doctor. I can't, this is too much and I feel so so scared I'm going to die within this week. On a side note, I have measured both of my calves and they are the same size but when I lift my left leg whilst it feels kinda heavy but not like I can't hold it in that position or anything, and my pain seems to be in my back more than anything else.

I am sorry for my rambling but I hope someone can give re-assurance or advice, I feel so so low right now.

19-11-17, 22:30
I went to the doctors Friday and he examined me, told me not to worry and that I am too young to worry about a blood clot...I rang NHS 111 and spoke to someone and she told me basically it is not a blood clot because of the position of it and my symptoms/age etc....an out of hours doc, basically examined my leg again and said its muscular.

That's all you need to know.

Positive thoughts