View Full Version : hello im new

20-06-07, 15:01
hello everybody, im kate im 41 (42 shortly eekk!) and have been having problems since christmas time, i went to see my doctor about various ailments and after lots of blood tests and examinations we both realised it was anxiety and depression.
my doc has put me on citaropram and this is my second day on them, im taking 20mg, she also suggested i see the in house counseller which i have agreed to do and i see her in aug.
i have had anxiety in the past but this is beyond anything i have experienced before,thats the reason i think i didnt recognize it, i thought it was due to hormonal changes but every test ive had is normal.
im feeling very headachy today and heavy headed but have managed to walk to the shops to get some air, it was difficult as i almost ran there and back because i felt so panicky plus im feeling rubbish anyway with the new medication.
anyway i thought id say hello and share my story, i will looking forward to `meeting` you all soon.
kate x

20-06-07, 15:05
Hi, welcome and sorry to hear you are going through it.

Can I suggest you get hold of a copy of Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves". I was given a copy about 3 months after the start of my anxiety and panic and I only wish I'd had it from the start.

All the best,

20-06-07, 15:05
Hi Kate

welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Take a look at the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also hun, they are sittuated at the left hand side of this page, lots of useful information to help you get back on track.


20-06-07, 15:40
Hello Kate :welcome:to you!

You'll get plenty of help and support here !

And don't worry about the Citalopram - I found them very helpful after an initially very nasty first few weeks......I'm glad I stuck with them and I hope you'll be able to say the same.

Plesed to meet you!


20-06-07, 15:40

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

20-06-07, 16:12
Hi Kate,
Welcome, sorry your having a bad time at the moment Im sure you will find lots of support and info here,i wish ya the best..........Linda x

20-06-07, 18:20
thanks for such a warm welcome :) im sooo relieved im not the only one going through this although i wouldnt wish it on anybody.
im feeling like absolute rubbish, a little bit like any moment im going to have a huge panic, my head hurts and feels foggy and i almost wish i hadnt started taking the tablets but i suppose if i stick at it im sure i`ll see an improvement.
thanks everyone for your welcomes, it means a lot toknow you arent alone.
kate x

20-06-07, 18:29
Hi DaisyKate,

Welcome to the site. You will find many who feel exactly how you do. You will also get great support.


20-06-07, 19:07
Hi Kate

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

funky chick
21-06-07, 13:00
Hi and welcome Kate hope you feel better soon and im sure you will find this site helpful and friendly take care love Gail xxxxx:hugs:

geordie flower
21-06-07, 14:17
hiiya, I've got exactly the same symptoms that you describe, I've had them since dec 2006. I've been to see my new doc today ( old one has just retired) and she was lovely, like yors she has ruled out anything serious with me and said it is prob anxiety and made me an appointment with the councillor for this monday I'm so pleased! I just want to feel normal and back to my old self again, for me the shaking/tremour is the worst, take care tracey :) x

22-06-07, 10:27
thanks so much everyone its so good not to feel im the only one, i dont feel so alone with it.
i had a huge attack in tescos last night i was feeling ok during the day and gave myself a huge pep talk before i went but still had an attack, im hoping that the citalopram kicks in soon because im having more attacks than before i started them.
tracey i know how you feel my heart goes out to you, and all the best for your counselling ive got to wait until august unfortunatley:mad: .
does anybody know if the citalopram can trigger attacks until it gets in your system? im way to scared to go out today, im jittery and i feel shor of breath, but a huge part of me is getting annoyed with myself because i dont want this to beat me, i hate myself for having to ask others to come with me incase i get another attack, im so independent usually.
kate xx

23-06-07, 10:22
Hi Daisykate,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

24-06-07, 11:28
Hi Kate and welcome to NMP, you will find lots of help and support here, I have recently rejoined after a long absence because I thought I was "cured" but have recently suffered a relapse of depression and anxiety brought on by stress. I know how you are feeling I have had so many symptoms over the years which were all caused by anxiety but it took me a long time to accept that this was what was causing them. Like Trev said get your self a copy of "self help for your nerves" by Claire weeks I would highly recommend it and wish I had had it at the start too.
take care
love Lisax

24-06-07, 19:17
thanks all, i cant tell you how great it is that i found this place its so great to know im not alone, its so difficult explaining how i feel to other people they really havent a clue what its like.
ive ordered the claire weekes book and cant wait for it to get here!! thanks again all, love and best wishes to you all too :hugs:
kate xx