View Full Version : Really spiraling and panicked spider veins liver fears

20-11-17, 00:04
I’m having a tough month. Two of my five dogs are very ill one has oral melanoma and most likely won’t live until xmas and one has pancreatitis and is very illl. I have to give them multiple meds and mop up after them. Plus the worry over them. Then my mom who I don’t get along with and who really triggers my ha fell and wouldn’t go to hospital. Now in rehab. Vein issues.

I’m 39 and in good health. I exercise but I do like my wine. I don’t drunk every light and I try to stay under 14 units a week. I also love sugar.

Now I saw marks on my neck and I’m terrified I have Spider Naevi and cirrhosis my husband says I’m nuts and that I don’t drink that much and am healthy.

Here’s a picture


---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

Hers another picture


---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------

I’d teKky appreciate any help. I’m so anxious about everything now.

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ----------

I reAlized my pictures didn’t show. Mine look like a tangle of tiny broken capillaries maybe a red smudge pretty faint. They are not a definite red dot with legs. They are on my clavicle. I took 75 mg Xanax but I’m still scared. I’m just feeling very overwhelmed

---------- Post added at 23:40 ---------- Previous post was at 23:16 ----------

I should add I have very very pale skin flush easily and go red when scratched

---------- Post added 20-11-17 at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was 19-11-17 at 23:40 ----------

I’ve tried pressing them they Blanche but not from center just in general I pressed another red area and a thread vein on my leg it glanced too. I’m hoping this is a good sign the baevu seem to have thst dot that Blanches and fills legs

20-11-17, 02:16
I don't have much advice but didn't want to read and ignore. I'm really sorry to hear about your dogs it's awful when a dog has a illness, my dog
passed a year ago to lymphoma, it was so awful and I really sympathise with dog owners, they're like family members! I always found in his last month I would just talk to him and cuddle him and it really helped - sort of like venting to someone (weird I know)

I'm sorry to hear you don't get along with your mum also hope the situation for her is better soon and for you.

You shouldn't be ashamed to like your wine, I love a glass or two every other night usually, I love it makes me relax so much after the day I've had and yep sugar is also a guilty pleasure for me.

I don't know what 'Spider Naevi' is but I'm assuming you have googled it - it could be marks from anything itching your skin, sometimes your hair can irritate it, dry skin etc. I wouldn't assume the worse, if it bothers you put some lotion on it.

I'm sure it's nothing so all these tests you are doing to check will make you more anxious incase one doesn't go the right way, leave it alone for a couple days and I'm sure it'll go down, I can't see what it looks like though as your picture didn't show.

I hope you're feeling better soon and have a good nights sleep, talking to your husband about your worries is good.

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---------- Post added at 02:15 ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 ----------

I don't have much advice but didn't want to read and ignore. I'm really sorry to hear about your dogs it's awful when a dog has a illness, my dog
passed a year ago to lymphoma it was so awful and I really sympathise with dog owners, they're like family members! I always found in his last month I would just talk to him and cuddle him and it really helped - sort of like venting to someone (weird I know)

I'm sorry to hear you don't get along with your mum also hope the situation for her is better soon and for you.

You shouldn't be ashamed to like your wine, I love a glass or two every other night usually, I love it makes me relax so much after the day I've had and yep sugar is also a guilty pleasure for me.

I don't know what 'Spider Naevi' is but I'm assuming you have googled it - it could be marks from anything itching your skin, sometimes your hair can irritate it, dry skin etc. I wouldn't assume the worse, if it bothers you put some lotion on it.

I'm sure it's nothing so all these tests you are doing to check will make you more anxious incase one doesn't go the right way, leave it alone for a couple days and I'm sure it'll go down, I can't see what it looks like though as your picture didn't show.

I hope you're feeling better soon and have a good nights sleep, talking to your husband about your worries is good.

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

---------- Post added at 02:16 ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 ----------

don't know how I made that post twice!

20-11-17, 02:39
To be honest big surprise it looks fainter now after 1 1/2 xanax 75 mg I think. I rarely take it. But it helps. I think it's just a few broken spider veins abs I do have Fairvskin prone to spots. If I scratch I get pettechus. These aren't that though more thread veins but I'm feeling more hopeful. I have a vacation coming up and I really want to enjoy it. Spend time with pets and hubby bike eat out abd drink wine. I don't want to spend it in front of mirror obsessing over my neck

20-11-17, 12:44
I’m still feeling scared this morning. I rubbed at it and they are reader. Tiny broken capillaries. Light red in color like the ones on my jers except bid purple maybe 3 of them in a general reddish area

20-11-17, 13:33
Hello. I can't see your pics, but I have spider veins due to liver problems from alcoholism. Just to reassure you, your level of drinking is totally healthy and wouldn't cause problems. My drinking was bonkers - like a litre of gin a day bonkers - to put normal healthy drinking in perspective.

I can't remember the figures, but spider veins are a fairly common benign thing in a percentage of healthy adults and children. I had this explained to me by a doctor once, back when I was still lying and in denial about drinking. Often there isn't a known cause, although they can occur during pregnancy or during the use of oral contraceptives. Have you taken the pill at any time for prolonged periods, do you mind me asking? That can be a cause if so. Or do you have children, in which case might they have happened back then and you are just noticing them? They can resolve after pregnancy I think, but it takes a long time (like years, not weeks).

Anyway, nothing you've described would make me think for a second that yours would be liver-related, and the other causes - if it was due to oral contraception you could talk to your doc about alternatives if it's bothering you. Likely though, they're due to nothing like most healthy people who have them. Or it might not even been spider veins. They are VERY distinctive. Could be a rash, just a natural redness in your skin, or actually - thinking about it - wine can sometimes cause a reaction I believe cause of the histamine. Foods high in that affect some people.

20-11-17, 15:38
I’m on bcp pills lo dose estrogen though have been for four years. I’m very pale and lots of cherry hemangiomas moles and dots. Any scrape or scratch gets me red. The thinks about these is there are about 3 in a general reddish area all that scares me is they black when pressed. I try to stay with in unit guidelines but I do tend to drink mostly one night a week Saturday or in vacations. So over four or five hours I’ll havs a bottle of wine. I did drink more in my early 20s imm39 now. No kids. I wish u could show a picture I’m trying agaib.

20-11-17, 15:42
You could post a virtual photo library and we'd still not be qualified to offer a medical opinion. As with 99.9999% of cases here, 3 little dots on your sensitive skin is not something to be worried about.

Anyway... I hope this fear passes for you soon.

Positive thoughts

20-11-17, 16:07
Here is a picture http://s109.photobucket.com/user/tubby3pug/library/

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ----------

I know fishmanpa and I’ve so many dots and blemishes but I’m so scared lately