View Full Version : How long did Globus last for you?

20-11-17, 00:02
I was wondering how long globus lasted for people who have had it? I have heard some people say years.
For me it has been going for a couple of months. It went away a couple of times but came back.

30-11-17, 20:30
about 6 months for me. Ended up getting an upper endoscopy. still get it from time to time when I am anxious.

30-11-17, 22:26
Years for me!

12-01-18, 15:19
I had this many years ago. I suffered for months before going to see an ENT consultant who reassured me I was fine. It went immediately and it has never recurred.
Doesn't mean I don't panic about all sorts of other things though!

12-01-18, 17:49
Not sure. It disappeared when I finally managed to ignore it so I'm just not sure! A few months I think.

15-01-18, 05:22
I've had this exact sensation for a few days now, constant hyper vigilance of the mucus in my throat or is it caused by the worst thing possible, with our lovely curse of flocking to extremes, who knows! Of course my ravenous mind immediately headed for cancer or something terminal or something that will grow into needing an operation... I have never had this sensation before but I also have experienced the shakes that literally rattle my bones at times last year after extended stress, never felt them before, I sit like an idiot for hours and can feel it right now but know it's nothing except my legs being sick of the bad posture, maybe in a week it'll be the focus of my fears again. I keep an open mind so I'm never shocked or unprepared so I'll assume it's either something terrible or just my ongoing dry throat from meds I take and an overactive mind. I'm also not long off recovering from bad flu so my throat's probably still screwed up.