View Full Version : Is this depression?

20-06-07, 16:38
Hi there,

I am not sure if this is the right place to put this post but as i suffer from general anxiety i wondered if anyone feels similar to me.

I would not describe myself as a depressed person but i definetly do not get as much pleasure from life as i once did. Really the only feeling i get is anxiety. I feel quite numb to life otherwise. I never feel really happy or really sad anymore and i dont get excited about things anymore.

I was out today and the sun was out and the birds were singing. It was lovely and years ago it would have made me feel alive, but now, although i appreciate it, i cant feel it. Does that make sense?

Years ago i just loved life, the seasons, nature. I was sensitive to most things. Now i feel im on auto pilot.

Is this depression, depersonalisation( i feel numb) or just getting older . Maybe we just get used to things. I hope not. I want to feel like that again.

Does anyone feel the same?


20-06-07, 18:51
yes i do now how you feel i sometimes say i just go from day to day not noticeing any thing apart from my anxiety i to use to love even the winter and snow and christmas was my fav time of year now i hate it i dont feel any thing about anything i guess its hard to put into words how long have you sufferd anxiety and how old are u feel free to pm if want or email me on nikkbu_1@hotmail.com bye for now trishxx

20-06-07, 21:07

here is a link to a depression checklist. This is very similar to the one a doc would do with you.
(hope this works, I have never posted a link before!)


20-06-07, 22:34
Hi josephine,
yes i am the same,not quite as enthusiastic about things as i used to be.When im having bad days i get really depressed but on good days i feel ok and can have a laugh about things so it varies but i wouldnt say i was depressed in general if that makes sense!!

Take care ,Candie xxxxxxxx

20-06-07, 23:04
How do you diagnose depression? Hard one.

I am bored and fed up at work and last year I went for an assessment and they diagnosed me as depressed but that is rubbish cos I am not depressed just bored!!

There is a big difference.

I know depression and this is not that - it is boredom with my job and life!

21-06-07, 09:30
Thanks for the link Happyone, I scored 29 out of 45, therefore i am moderatley depressed. I think the questions about self esteem and self worth added up my points. I have felt like this for approx 6 years so, just thought it was normal but maybe i should have a word with my doctor.

Thanks for all your replies, maybe it just part of anxiety. I feel that if i could clear my muzzy, foggy head i would feel more like the old me.

Love Josephinex