View Full Version : 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge 2017

20-11-17, 10:40
You have maybe seen this challenge floating around Facebook and Twitter the last few days and I thought it would be good to have our own version on NMP. My therapist also recommended I do this so I thought it would be nice to do this all together.

What is the purpose of the challenge?
A once-a-year project to focus on those people, experiences and things in our life that we appreciate. Many of us go through day to day life in auto pilot and sometimes fail to stop and realise for a second - what is going right instead what is going wrong.

We are a bit late at starting this since the official challenge started on 1st Nov but our challenge will take us to just before Christmas https://static.thestudentroom.co.uk/5a0d6163a3230/forum/images/smilies/smile.png

Each day on this thread, there will be a new question for us all to answer. They will all be taken from the official challenge website and some are 'expected' questions such as Which friend/family member are you most grateful for? and then some are more 'obscure' and these questions are designed to make us actually take in what has happened throughout the day and to show that there is always some good to take out of every day, even on our worst days.

So lets get the challenge started https://static.thestudentroom.co.uk/5a0d6163a3230/forum/images/smilies/smile.png day one starts with an obscure question lol

Day 1 - "Which smell are you most grateful for today?"

---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ----------

Day one for me - the smell of my apple and cinnamon candles. They make me feel cosy and festive.

20-11-17, 13:40
OOOH what a lovely idea! :D I'm looking forward to seeing the questions and people's answers

Day one is hard, so many to choose from!
I'm going to be less specific and say my bedroom. It's not something I can put my finger on, just a lovely familiar smell of comfort

20-11-17, 14:02
This is a great idea. I hope it keeps getting bumped so I don't forget to come back to it!!

The smell I am most grateful for is the smell of coffee brewing in the morning.

20-11-17, 15:27
I love this!! I guess mine is a bit weird. I feel like my children have their own scent, when I smell their hair or breath, it reminds me of cola icepops only sweeter. It's strange. But I love that smell. It's what their pillows smell of.

20-11-17, 16:34
I'm very grateful for there being enough to eat. There was a time when my mother was so poor we'd often have nothing to eat for days. Also I'm so grateful to be living in such a comforting living space that feels safe.

21-11-17, 00:06
Since I am still awake, I will post Day 2's question now -

Which type of technology are you most grateful for?

I'm stuck between my phone and my laptop. Both provide me with a means to contact people and also can be used as leisure. I'd probably go for my phone but I am very grateful for my laptop.

21-11-17, 06:40
I am most grateful for my smart phone for sure. :) I love everything we can do with them these days. I never feel isolated as I know I can connect with people with a few taps, which is nice.

21-11-17, 10:20
Emmerlooeez I can totally get the smell of your children being your favourite, people do have their own scent for sure :)

Hmm day 2, got to be the smart phone for me too I think. They are pretty amazing! My Mam is in Australia at the moment on holiday and I've been talking to her with video through my phone for free via whatsapp, I can also message her whenever I want even though we're 10 hours apart time difference wise. It's pretty mind blowing! lol

21-11-17, 11:22
Yeah Vicky, I think so. It changes if they are ill, sometimes I can tell they're going to be ill lol. Smartphones and social media are amazing for that. My cousin is in Aus and we don't get to talk as much as I'd like because of the time difference, but we can keep each other up-to-date with life, etc. So it's lovely to stay in touch. Also love that people can mark themselves as 'safe' after a terror attack, etc! x

21-11-17, 12:32
I think the technology I am most grateful for is transportation ... can't imagine what life was like before we had cars, planes, trains, etc.

21-11-17, 12:43
I'm so grateful to have a functioning washing machine!:D

21-11-17, 12:43
Home telephone---Laptop----mobile phone.

Don't know how we managed at home as a child.
We did not have any electricity until I was eighteen years old.:ohmy:

21-11-17, 19:30
We're spoiled for choice these days, Magic, although I don't know whether this makes the world a better place?

21-11-17, 21:58
I’m going to answer both days, the smell I’m most grateful for is the smell of my mums roast cooking on a Sunday. And the technology I’m most thankful for is probably the microchip that allows us to have so many pieces of equipment that we use in our daily lives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-11-17, 23:58
Another obscure question for today lol

Day 3 - what colour are you grateful for?

Hmm, I hadn't ever thought about it but I'd say purple. Me and my husband both wore that on our wedding day so it's a colour I associate with love, fun, happiness and that day itself.

22-11-17, 01:28
Yellow - It was the color of one of my mom's and my favorite flowers and of my baby blanket (that I of course still have lol). It's also just a bright, uplifting color to me.

22-11-17, 09:19
My favourite colour is purple, but I'm grateful for the colour orange. It is the colour that resonates with me most, for some reason.

22-11-17, 14:56
I am a black or white person. One colour I really don't like is yellow.
I am talking about colour of clothes. I like any colour of flowers.
My daughter has a bright orange dining room!!!!!! even the radiator.

22-11-17, 15:14
Oohh it's got to be pink for me just so pretty :D

23-11-17, 00:01
Day 4 - which food are you most grateful for?

I'm very grateful for all food in general and the fact I've never had to go without food but as in what food
comforts me most, I'd have to say eggs. Whenever I'm feeling down, I have either French toast, scrambled egg, fried and chips, egg and soldiers or a chicken omelette and it makes me feel better. Eggs have always been nice to my gut as well which is a relief since so many foods can trigger flare ups when you have bowel problems.

23-11-17, 02:37
It isn't day 4 for me yet, but might as well post it before I go to bed tonight :)

This is a tough question!! I think I will go with my grandmother's spaghetti and meatballs. It's a recipe that has been passed down through the family. That half of my family is Italian and we used to always have "Sunday supper" at their house with homemade bread, homemade sauce, etc. My mouth waters just thinking about it.

I also have to go with any and all forms of cheese because it's just amazing, haha. I could not live without it!

23-11-17, 18:05
Just want to thank everyone who has taken part in this challenge so far! Hope you are enjoying it as much as I am and I hope to see you all again tomorrow for the next question :)

24-11-17, 00:09
Day 5 - which sound are you grateful for today?

24-11-17, 02:08
I'm grateful for the sound of my pup snoring away next to me. She's so sweet and relaxing. She's currently sleeping with her tongue hanging out :roflmao:

24-11-17, 09:08
I'm grateful for the sound of my pup snoring away next to me. She's so sweet and relaxing. She's currently sleeping with her tongue hanging out :roflmao:

Me when my cats snore - "Awww this is the cutest thing ever!"
Me when my husband snores - "Why the hell did I ever marry him?!"


Day 5 - the sound of heavy rain last night when I was asleep. I find the sound of rain to be very relaxing.

24-11-17, 10:14
Day 4-
Food I am most grateful for is chocolate!!! Obviously haha. Dark chocolate.

Day 5-
Sound I am most grateful for is music. It really makes me happy.

24-11-17, 14:19
Missed one yesterday

I am grateful for any food what so ever Except Liver or any offal.

I am grateful for the sound of my husband breathing in bed. He snores too:). Her has a poke in the back from me for that.

I don't like anything loud.

24-11-17, 17:30
My husband snores too!! I push him just enough that he doesn't fully wake up and know I did it, but does stop snoring. It's an acquired skill :)

24-11-17, 19:01
Another sound I'm grateful for today - Pink's new single Beautiful Trauma. Had it on repeat all day. I love it and it makes me wanna dance :)

25-11-17, 00:05
Day 6 - what in nature are you most gratefu for?

The woods. I find walking through the woods to be very relaxing. I love all the sounds, the smells and the wildlife :)

25-11-17, 02:46
The ocean! I find the waves and scent of the ocean calming and soothing. I wish I lived closer, it's a dream of mine.

25-11-17, 13:34
I love this thread!!!

Autumnal woods for me. I love it. I'm actually currently enroute to one of my favourite wooded walks right now!

25-11-17, 15:23
Food: I do love sweet treats so sugar
Sound: Music- lots of different types, it can be really powerful
and Nature: flowers because they're just beautiful

25-11-17, 18:53
Spring time.
I like trees as long as they are not by the roadside. When it was very windy a few weeks ago a tree dropped down all across the road. It just missed our car. Massive it was. No one could move it so we had to divert to another way home.
Felt sorry for the other people. Hope they made it home.

26-11-17, 06:38
Day 7 - Which memory are you grateful for?
This is a hard one, I have so many that stand out. The one that stands out for me most at this very moment though was when me and my husband visited the Blue Lagoon in Iceland a few years ago

26-11-17, 08:55
The memory I am most grateful for is sleeping at my grandmothers house. There isn't any one particular memory, I am fond of them all. Every time I stayed, My grandad was kicked into the spare room and me and my grandma would share the bed... from being little to age 17/18, lol. ❤

27-11-17, 11:35
Day 8 - Which book are you grateful for?

Salem's Lot by Stephen King. Its my all time favourite book and I've lost count how many times I have re-read it. It never loses its magic for me and its the book that really got me into reading.

27-11-17, 12:18
Pride and Prejudice for sure!!! It makes me happy.
It is comforting and beautiful. Austen had an uncanny knowledge of relationships. I love it.

27-11-17, 15:32
Oh I missed one day!

Day 7 - A memory I am grateful for is my wedding day and the day I told my husband we were expecting. He thought I was playing a joke on him and then his reaction when he realized I wasn't was amazing.

Day 8 - A book I am grateful for is the whole Harry Potter Series (I know....) ... I have never read books that quickly that were so long and still love to reread them today!

Emmerlooeez - I also love Pride and Prejudice!! Just this weekend my best friend gave me a children's book version for my baby. It's adorable!

27-11-17, 19:44
My poetry Books and -- "Gone with the wind". "Birdsong" Sorry more than one book.

28-11-17, 00:07
Day 9 - which place are you most grateful for?

My flat. It's my haven. I live in a crappy area but I love my flat. It's the first place I want to be when I feel bad.

28-11-17, 10:04
argh missed a lot

Memory: Dancing with my husband on our wedding reception. I remember thinking 'this is just what I hoped it would be'

Book: the Bible (although technically that's cheating cos it's a load of books haha) it's brought me a lot comfort and guidance over the years

Place: My home, like you gingerfish. I'm a real homebird and would much rather stay in than go out

28-11-17, 10:18
Place: My best friends house. It is my home away from home and I feel more at ease there than I do my own home at the moment.

28-11-17, 13:46
My friends here. Home comfort.

28-11-17, 15:08
Place - Narragansett, RI ... lots of family vacations and memories.

29-11-17, 11:30
We are 1/3 of the way through the challenge now :eek: :woo:

Day 10 - which taste are you grateful for?

The taste of scrambled egg and really buttery toast. Sooooo good :) not a big fan of spicy things, I think savoury is my favourite.

29-11-17, 11:32
Coffee!! Hands down. The taste I am most grateful for is coffee. It gets me through :D

30-11-17, 09:06
Day 12 - which texture are you grateful for?

The soft feel of my cats fur :)

30-11-17, 11:34
Gingerfish I'm totally with you on the cats fur, when they let me pet them hehe

30-11-17, 13:14
Coffee, milky decaf ,gets me through too.:)

30-11-17, 14:22
Taste - chocolate
Texture - right now my dog's ears ... they are so soft and she is sitting in my lap.

01-12-17, 00:13
Day 12 - what ability are you grateful for?

Being able to read :)

Just noticed I accidentally missed a day so I'll add the day I missed at the end of the challenge so the last day will have two questions :)

01-12-17, 11:37
Texture: crunchy things! Fresh snow, crispy leaves, velcro.

Ability: the ability to empathise with people.

01-12-17, 13:31
Ability: Being able to drive stick shift/manual transmission. Most people my age don't know how to and I am proud my parents taught me. I love my car for it!

01-12-17, 15:04
My eyesight, hearing, and able to walk on the level. No banks.
I so regret not learning to drive.

01-12-17, 15:14
I feel like I sometimes focus on what I CAN'T do with the anxiety disorder it's good to remember all the things I CAN do, I don't think I can pick just one!

02-12-17, 06:40
Day 13 - which sight are you grateful for today?

Waking up to see my cats were cuddled in together on my bed :) makes a change from them fighting :laugh:

02-12-17, 12:01
Sight - this is hard!!! I think being able to see my childrens faces.

Followed by a starry sky.

02-12-17, 13:19
Sight ... getting to see my baby on the ultrasound. I can't wait to meet her in real life.

02-12-17, 13:39
Sight. This is hard one. Just to be able to see anything is good for me!

03-12-17, 00:02
Day 14 - Which season are you grateful for?

Each season has its pros and cons but I'd have to say summer since the sunlight helps my psoriasis

03-12-17, 08:42
Autumn for me, without a doubt. Although I adore spring too. :)

03-12-17, 16:21
Spring. Summer if it is not really hot x

03-12-17, 20:34
Autumn :) And the beginning of winter.

04-12-17, 11:18
Day 15 - which part of your body are you grateful for?

I am very grateful for my body and my health which touch wood, seems to be OK. I'm grateful for my eyes so I can see my cats and loved ones

04-12-17, 13:02
Being an HA sufferer, I am grateful for everything that is healthy and working!!

04-12-17, 21:44
I am grateful for life. Apart from my HA I cope x

05-12-17, 00:06
Day 16 - what knowledge are you grateful for?

I am grateful for everything I know but lately, I have been grateful for learning how to learn to drive

05-12-17, 11:22
Part of my body: My legs, I think. I appreciate being able to walk!!

Knowledge I am most thankful for: That there is more good people in the world than bad.

05-12-17, 12:38
Knowledge - I am grateful for my education, even if it cost me an arm and a leg .... I am also grateful for knowledge learned at every job I have had, even the toughest ones. They have shaped who I am now.

06-12-17, 11:03
Day 17 - which piece of art are you grateful for?

I'm not really into art much but I do love 'Scream' by Edvard Munch. I love the creepiness to it since I am a huge horror fan

06-12-17, 19:15
That's a tough one. I love Van Gogh's self- portrait. There is so much behind it.

06-12-17, 21:20
I am grateful for my late daughter's paintings she did at College. Not named though and have no value, only to me.:)

07-12-17, 08:09
Day 18 - which touch are you grateful for today?

When my husband rolled over and cuddled me in his sleep just before I had to get up :)

07-12-17, 13:21
Deep tissue massage!!! :D

07-12-17, 14:52
The touch of warm paraffin wax to ease my hands

08-12-17, 10:39
Day 19 - who in your life are you grateful for?

I am grateful for my close family, pets and friends but a shout out right now has to go to my husband. He has been my rock recently when my gran was in hospital and although he has never experienced any MH problems himself, he tries his hardest to empathise.

08-12-17, 13:32
My husband as well ... he has done so much for me during my emotional breakdown during my pregnancy and has been so supportive. He's really my best friend and I am so lucky to have him.

08-12-17, 14:53
I am grateful for my husband, daughter, G/daughter and my neighbours.

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

Oh, and my friends on here :)

08-12-17, 15:12
My person is also my husband who every day I feel like 'I can't actually believe I'm married' haha and also my Mam who is so wonderful.

08-12-17, 20:50
Touch - I really don't know!! The best feeling ever for me is getting into freshly washed sheets with freshly shaven legs - does that count?!

Who in my life - My children, especially. <3 My best friend Nikita. My awesome panic buddies on here! Chrisb, Bry, Chick, James, LGS, Matt, EZ, FG, Ash, Azzbo, William, Wanderlust, KK. :) You are all awesome.

09-12-17, 00:04
Day 20 - which song are you grateful for?

I am grateful for so many songs but one that stands out is If I Never Knew You from Pocahontus. The lyrics remind me perfectly of my husband and even my cats. The song is all about being so grateful for knowing and loving someone and that your life wouldn't be the same without them.

09-12-17, 00:47
"Smile" by Charlie Chaplin ... my mom recorded herself singing it for my uncle when he had cancer, we played her recording at her funeral service. The words and lyrics fit everything perfectly.

09-12-17, 10:05
Song.. right now it is Coldplay- someone special. It is so motivating. ^_^

10-12-17, 12:14
Day 21 - which story are you grateful for?

All the stories my gran used to make up and tell me when I was going to sleep as a kid. I loved them :)

10-12-17, 20:11
Pride and Prejudice. Gives me hope. :) unrealistic hope. But hope nonetheless

11-12-17, 13:23
Day 22 - Which tradition are you grateful for?

Singing Auld Lang Syne at new year. Its a beautiful song and the poet who wrote it (Rabbie Burns) came from my home town :) I always cry when I hear it, a mix of happy and sad tears at new year

11-12-17, 13:50
Story - I'm not sure, that's a tough one.

Tradition - The movies we would watch at the holidays as kids. I find I still like watching them today. I'm also looking forward to creating new traditions with my own family in the future.

12-12-17, 00:11
Day 23 - which challenge are you grateful for?

Therapy. It's not always been a walk in the park but it's helped me and I've also learned a lot about myself throughout the journey through therapy.

12-12-17, 01:28
My career ... it’s been an exhausting ride but I have learned so much about myself and my field.

13-12-17, 12:00
Day 24 - what moment from this week are you grateful for?

My mum being OK after a car accident a few days ago. She drove over black ice and went right into a wall and broke down a bollard. She's OK but the car is a mess. Just so glad my mum is OK.

13-12-17, 15:20
Gingerfish - I'm so glad your mother was okay! How scary!

I'm grateful for my health ... had a scare last night and went to the hospital to check for early labor, but all is well and baby is staying put. She isn't due until 3/7 so I don't want to see her just yet!

13-12-17, 18:47
I too am glad your mum was ok gingerfish.

I am grateful that the snow has gone, that's today.

14-12-17, 08:36
Day 25 - what form of expression are you grateful for?

Smiling. Cheers me up to see people smile :)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes for my mum :hugs:

14-12-17, 12:13

14-12-17, 13:15

15-12-17, 11:10
Day 26 - which small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?

My portable power pack charger. It is so handy, especially if I'm out all day or staying over somewhere

15-12-17, 13:17
Sounds lame, but my phone! I have so much available in the palm of my hand.

15-12-17, 13:52
My laptop

16-12-17, 08:29
Day 27 - which small thing that has happened today are you grateful for?

My secret santa pressie arrived :)

16-12-17, 15:28
Whoops!! I've missed a fair few of these.

Challenge I am most grateful for - Parenting. My kids have taught me so much, I'm sure they will continue to do so! It's been a rollercoaster, for sure, but it's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

What moment from this week are you grateful for: Talking to my best friends about life, relationships and gender differences until 2am. It gave me a lot to think about and a new perspective on things.

Form of expression: Smiling or laughing, for sure.

Small thing that I use daily: My phone obviously!! I have an online social life, haha. I have some great online friendships and love that I can keep in touch with family/friends that I don't see that often.

Which small thing that has happened today: Having quality time with my daughters, my best friend and my cousin and their children. <3

17-12-17, 12:23
Day 28 - Which friend or family member are you grateful for today?

My mum. I'm not feeling too well today with a cold and pulled muscles but her funny Snapchats have cheered me up :)

17-12-17, 15:09
Can I count my puppy? lol

18-12-17, 00:14
Day 29 - what talent do you have that your are grateful for?

I can do a good impression of Cilla Black and Marge Simpson :p

18-12-17, 09:58
Friend - My best friend Nikita and my friend Freckles.❤

Talent- I haven't got a clue. I don't have a talent.

18-12-17, 22:52
No talent, I would have liked to be able to play the piano.

18-12-17, 23:07
Music ... I enjoy singing, playing guitar, used to play saxophone and clarinet

19-12-17, 00:50
After 30 days, we have now reached the end of the challenge! :( a huge thank you to everyone who has taken part, it means a lot to me and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have :hugs:

here's today's question plus the one I forgot a few weeks ago and said I'd add it in at the end :p

Day 30 - What are your thoughts on this challenge now we have reached the end?

Missed question - Which holiday in the year are you grateful for?

Day 30 - I enjoyed every minute of the challenge and loved reading everyone's responses. I found it enlightening to find something I am grateful for, even on the bad days and sometimes all we have to do is stop for a second and take stock.

Missed question - Christmas. all my family are huge Christmas fans and the time leading up to Christmas still feels magical even though I'm an adult. so grateful I still have my grandparents. Christmas time wouldn't be the same without them.

Thanks again everyone for taking part :) Hope you have a lovely Christmas and take care :hugs:

26-12-17, 10:42
Hi Gingerfish,
I really enjoyed reading the thread and posting when I felt I wanted to add something, even when I didn't post the questions made me think.
Thank you for doing this

26-12-17, 16:20
I have missed a few myself. Very good of you I found it very interesting Gingerfish.:hugs:

I am grateful to be retired ,so any holiday I am grateful for really.This year has not been so good for holidays. 2018 hope to be better.x