View Full Version : Anyone find they cause their stomach symptoms to worsten with their anxiety?

20-11-17, 15:53
Hi everyone. I am just looking for some support or people with similar issues. I feel very isolated and scared at the moment. My anxiety is running high and has been for 15 months solid. All manner of symptoms have visited me but the hardest one for me to deal with is stomach problems, namely acid reflux, lump in throat, nausea, bloating/belching and associated other weird sensations. I have suffered on and off most of my life so although I know this is not new, its really got inside my head. So I am now fearing all sorts or just fearing my reflux being uncontrolled! I can feel my stomach all day every minute until i fall asleep. I am aware of every sensation. I can feel acidy feelings lump in the throat etc as soon as I awake and my mind starts whirring. I know its anxiety related but of course, how to break the cycle? I have fear of vomiting so you can see why this particular one plays on my mind. I had endoscopy 6 years ago, all normal. I currently take omeprazole which sort of controls it mostly but I still get weird sensations. It is not really diet related. I have quite a clean diet and dont eat any of the bad trigger foods or drink coffee sodas etc. I do drink white wine, which is the time my symtoms are better!

Anyone relate to this? Or any little words of wisdom about natural cures or therapies? Or just someone to kick my arse maybe? Thanks xx

20-11-17, 16:23
Hi there. I also suffer from being hyper sensitive to my stomach when my anxiety is high (as it is right now) ..i can wake up feeling sick, have a churning stomach all day if I let myself think about it, also burping etc. I suffer from ibs which can be triggered by stress/anxiety so it almost like a never-ending cycle. I also have a good diet, I exercise regular too. However if I have a glass or 2 of red wine at a weekend my symptoms abate..is it because I am relaxing more? I'm certainly not saying drink to forget your anxiety but the key is learning how to relax in the same way. If you figure it out let me know!..thinking of you and feel free to message me if you want to talk. Other people have reached out to me on here and they have been a calm in my storm. xx

20-11-17, 16:50
Hi. Unfortunately yes, I think they're so often connected. I know myself if I'm stressed or if someone upsets me I'll get a really upset stomach that won't settle until I'm feeling better. The fact that you and NewYorkgirl find your symptoms abate after a glass of wine (not what you'd maybe expect with wine being so acidic) suggests that finding other ways to relax and find calm at other times is the key. Have you tried things like making fresh ginger tea? It really does settle your stomach. I often don't stick to regularly making it, but when I do and drink it regularly it works wonders.

20-11-17, 21:03
You explained exactly how I've been feeling.
I've never suffered with stomach problems and ever since our a really bad anxiety attack I have had indegestion pain,nausea sore throat and stomach gurgling.
I'm on omperazle too and its helped alot. Mine isn't effected what I eat either as I could have a hot curry and feel absolutely fine after it.
Just need to control our anxiety. Which is the hardest part:(

---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

I had *

20-11-17, 22:23
Absolutely, this is my problem at the moment. I was very, very anxious for months about a different issue and then my stomach and IBS got bad. I've really restricted my diet because I'm scared to eat incase it brings on diarrhoea or indigestion/heart burn. I think not eating enough it making it worse!
It's such a vicious cycle. I have to keep reminding myself that it will take a long time to heal from anxiety and 1 day of relaxing isn't going to stop it.
Very hard to relax when you don't feel well, though!
You aren't alone x

21-11-17, 10:00
Thank you for replying everyone. Its good to know Im not the only one with weird and continuous symptoms. I wish I had some advice on how to relax more or just let the anxiety go. I have tried many things cbt hypnotherapy counselling self hypnosis mindfulness, they help for a while but my physical symptoms get the better of me again and I spiral out of control. It really is ruining any quality of life i had to be honest. I am a bit scared where I go from here if I cannot get this under control. I wish you all peace and wellness. xx