View Full Version : Is THIS a panic attack?

20-11-17, 16:23
Hey! Long time lingerer, first time poster.
I've struggled with health anxiety for a long time but things ramped up after my second child and I haven't been able to 'come down' in 18 months.
All this to say that I think I may be experiencing panic attacks but I'm not sure.

Everything I've read says I should feel extreme anxiety first but that's not the case for me.

I get an overwhelming feeling like I'm going to pass out/faint/dizziness, then panic, then like I want to BOLT out of the room. I don't pass out, can breath through these spells and get through it.

Thoughts? Would love your input and thanks.

20-11-17, 21:56
I get very dizzy, feel like I will pass out. It doesn't have to come with any other symptoms. I do get palpitations and a throat closing sensation too. Mine all started after my 2nd child. I suspect stress brings it on

21-11-17, 16:40
Yes! Thank you!
I'm going to the doctor to rule anything out, but its like an extreme head rush here and there.
It's brutal.
Have you been checked out Alio?

21-11-17, 18:22
It definitely sounds like somewhat of one, perhaps a mild one so count your blessings!
I get palpations, nausea, sweating, dizziness, the world looks all distorted and too bright, get overwhelming feelings of terror and fear, as in genuinely being scared for my life, I wanna run, I wanna scream as loud as I can, I even sometimes I feel like hurting myself just to escape it.
So yeah, please get it checked out in case it winds up progressing to something like this ^ cause when I used to get them, before things got worse for me, they seemed quite horrific and now after these, I'd give anything to go back so to how I used to feel!