View Full Version : Heart Palpitations...Stroke & Heart Attack Fear

21-11-17, 01:21
Hey all,

It's that time again to vent. Over the last 7 months, I have been battling this monster called Anxiety. For two months it was general anxiety, but them my health anxiety kicked in. For almost 5 months I have been dealing with a billion different symptoms, multiple doctors visits, and a million different fears. Now we all know that with health anxiety our minds don't think rationally, and instead of thinking about the most common and easiest solution we automatically pick the WORST possible diseases! I have been battling my mind, with thoughts of Parkinson, MS, MSA, and ALS (you can read about that in my previous threads). I have been able to take what the neuros and doctors have told me, that I am ok, and it indeed is linked to my anxiety, but now I have entered a whole new battle.

I have dealt with heart palpitations for as long as I can remember, mostly when I was pregnant with my kids. But I recently found out that I have high cholesterol (hereditary most likely), and that threw me for a loop and now I am making lifestyle changes to see if that makes it better (I am 26 by the way). But over the last three weeks, my heart palpitations would literally be one after the other after the other, they would make me feel a little weird and a little out of breath but nothing super alarming, but it would last like 20 to 30 min, and at times it would be just before I went to sleep. I also found out that the birth control that I use has been recalled, which made me look into the BC I am using, and saw that it could increase my chances of a blood clot by FORTY percent!

So obviously I am getting this taken out of my arm, on Friday. Now that these heart palpitations are happening again my fear of a Heart Attack or Stroke is really freaking me out. I am so scared that something is going to happen to me when my husband is away and my poor girls won't know what to do. I guess my question is, do people with health anxiety and anxiety in general deal with heart palpitations (like multiple, not just one) even when your anxiety is low? When these things happen I try to calm down but I just start to feel like I'm going to drop dead any second. I have had multiple blood tests done over the months and several EKGs that have come back just fine. I'm just more curious if people experience this sensation throughout the day.
