View Full Version : Lumps and petrified

21-11-17, 11:04
Hi guys,

So I have had a lump in my groin (crease of leg) at the top for about 2 years, went to the doctors and he had no concerns and said if anything changed to come back and it never did.

Fast forward to the present day and I am so anxious about lumps and bumps in my groin and my neck.

Just been this morning and he said neck was fine and that if you do press hard enough you will find lumps.

Plus I have lost alot of weight through exercise so things will be more obvious.

So he felt my groin and didn't seem concerned, he said he could still feel the original lump, which he is sure it's a lymph node.

He is sending me for a scan (which I told him I wasn't bothered about) if he thinks it is fine then that was good enough for me.

He insisted sending me anyway just for them to confirm that it was a lymph node. I questioned him (anxiety got the better of me) and asked him if she was worried and just didn't want to say anything and that's why he was sending me.

He said no he would tell me if he was worried about it and he said he wasn't concerned and wanted to send me to confirm what it was given that I had had it for a long time.

I am still so worried about this.

He said he feels alot of lumps and bumps weekly that are bad and that didn't concern him.

So why send me then!!!!!!! :(

21-11-17, 11:16
It's called reassurance and CYA (cover your arse) medicine. You went to the doctor concerned about lumps and bumps. Your doctor is not concerned but is sending you to prove once and for all nothing sinister is going on and in the hopes this will help quell your fear. That remains to be seen once you get a normal result, in which case he can call out your anxiety and hopefully refer you for some help.

Positive thoughts

21-11-17, 11:20
Yeah I totally get that. I had to go years back for ones behind my ears that are still there, I think it's been 5 years I have these ones and they were normal.

I just always assume it's because they are worried when they refer for scans or extra checks.

My heads telling me that lump has been there 2 years and surely if anything was untoward it would have manifested by now.