View Full Version : I just feel like crap

21-11-17, 16:06
The past week now I can feel that daunting pressure rising up and today I just feel utterly crap.

I think I know what it is, but not 100% sure - I was meant to book in a docs appointment weeks ago and I keep forgetting and I haven't done it yet. I just hate phones and have to call to make the appointment.

But everything even remotely adulty that i have to do/think about etc.... I can feel myself shutting down into complete avoidance mode.

It's so exhausting! I just want to stay home everyday and play video games. I don't want to see the world, I dont want to communicate with the world. I do envy people who are allowed to have a simple non-adulty life :(

20-12-17, 01:50
I always find its best to just get things out the way.. A big push and get it over with.. Otherwise it just looms over you and you end up feeling even worse.

Doctors/receptionists are usually in a hurry to get you off the line anyway so it'll be over before you know it! Lol
At least it's not like our surgery, you have to pretty much tell the receptionist what's wrong with you before you get a look in from your GP.. Hate sharing intimate stuff with them! :/