View Full Version : I'm back!....again!

21-11-17, 18:07
Hi all!
It's been a while but I'm back here again!

The last few days I've had it Uti symptoms, pain in the lower abdomen dark urine etc. Dropped a sample off at the gp today and didn't hear anything back. So phoned this evening and the receptionist said 'the nurse isn't sure so sent the sample off to the lab'

Queue panic about kidney failure/disease etc etc 🙄

Why would they need to send it off surely it's a pretty common test. It's really got me down now 😔

21-11-17, 18:13
It is common to send it off as well - mine usually get sent off if there is any doubt.

21-11-17, 18:30
Thank you ��
You know how it is though you think your in control and then something like waiting for results happen and you crumble! I think it's because I've never had samples for uti sent to the lab before usually just get the results, so it's thrown me a little!

21-11-17, 18:31
Mine get sent cos they usually have blood in them.

It could be a simple UTI that needs treating.

21-11-17, 19:17
Dark urine main sign of dehydration so hope your drinking your 3litres of water a day as that contributes to that lol

au Lait
21-11-17, 22:12
A lot of places send urine samples out. Most clinics can only run in house dip stick tests which can only tell them so much. Sending it out to the lab simply means they want an actual complete urinalysis performed. It’s nothing to worry about. If anything it’s a good thing because it means you’ll get more thorough results.

22-11-17, 14:32
Thank you everyone. I'm still waiting for the results. Didn't want to ring and hassle so patiently waiting ☺