View Full Version : Panic/anxiety when taking tablets, PLEASE help!

21-11-17, 18:16
So, two months ago I was prescribed Citralopram. I took one dose (10mg) and went through the worst experience of my life. Panic, terror, palpitations, sweating, inablity to breathe, etc... the works. Genuinely felt like I was going to die. Lasted three days before taking myself to A&E (after calling 111), after some pretty horrific thoughts.
I've suffered panic attacks and anxiety before but this, this was unlike anything I've ever experienced.
Now, two months later, I still get these attacks. Most days, I can fight them off. Diazapam has been my saviour. I don't rely on it constantly, I can go several days without taking any, even went nearly two weeks at one point, and when I do take it, I only take half of 5mg, very rarely needing the whole 5mg.
Now, I've been prescribed Mirtazapine.
The only problem is, I'm terrified of taking tablets.
It took me four weeks until I could get over taking a single ibeprofen.
The first time I tried taking one for a headache, I had to go and force myself to throw it up because the panic and anixety was too much to handle.
A couple of weeks after first taking Citralapram, on a day I felt moderately good, I tried taking Mirtazapine and it was the exact same.
Now, tonight, I'm supposed to take Mirtazapine but I'm terrified.
It's caused me to have horrible anxiety for hours.
I've been on Mirtazapine before, and all it did was really help me sleep. That's it, but that was a blessing for me because I suffer insomnia. I know it won't harm me, it didn't last time but at the same time I'm absolutely terrified.
I've been told by my doctor it's okay to take Diazapam with it. Nothing bad with happen.
I'm thinking of taking 2.5mg about half an hour before taking the Mirtazapine and then taking the other half afterwards if I need to.
Has anyone experience anything other than feeling tired after taking the two together? Anything at all?
All I want to do is sleep after taking it :weep:
My anxiety is so much worse during the evenings, the nights, it's horrific. I can't handle staying awake and having attack after attack until I HAVE to take diazapam and find a way to calm myself.
If anyone has any experience with this and found a way around it, or has any advice, would be greatly appreciated.
I'm so darn delicate at the moment I've always been kind of "high functioning" when it came to my anxiety and depression before:weep:
Thank you for taking the time to read and offering any advice!
(sorry for any misspelling of medication)

Ash J
21-11-17, 21:15
Hey there,

I feel your pain here, sorry you are going through a rough time. I too am on mirtazipine (for sleep) and take diazepam in the day when im having a rough time. I haven't had any ill effect from taking them both but i usually avoid taking the diazepam 3-4hrs before my mirt. Hope this helps.