View Full Version : Does anyone get like this??? Major HA attack please

21-11-17, 18:59
I was wondering if anyone on here gets the same way i do.....mainly every time I hear of someone having a terrible disease I automatically think I might have it , maybe even develop certain symptoms of that particular illness A neighbor of mine got terminal liver cancer and she is only 37, this absolutely freaked me out to no believe .... now I have horrible back pain that wrappes around to the front on right side, I am also a social drinker and at times I drink more than I should yaksss...... my last liver panel was 4 years ago and all the values were on the low end of the spectrum .... but now I’m obsessing ab the liver.... I guess my question is how do u guys cope when u hear ab people u might know having awfull illnesses? How do you block that out of your head? I remember even as a child I would do this and I’m now 34 ! Any Insight would be great

21-11-17, 19:19
I’m the exact same way I avoid drs at all
Cost but worry over disease. Try reminding yourself of the healthy people u know

21-11-17, 19:21
Yes it’s horrible I have lots of clients who I do work for , and over the years they have died or become ill, and of course I start questioning my own body to see if I have this or that’s it’s slightly weird but your definately not alone lol, I just dismiss it now it’s pointless worryin and being like that

21-11-17, 19:38
i am glad i am not the only one..... besides the fact that every time i hear news like that i'm questioning my own health, it also makes me feel guilty in a way, i don't know......i would rather not know ab other people because its a huge trigger for me, and probably for HA people in general.... all so sad