View Full Version : Should I keep taking it?

22-11-17, 00:20
Accidentally skipped my fluoxetine dose Sunday and noticed I felt much more clearheaded, more awake, and happier than the days that I was taking it (been taking it for a little less than 2 weeks, 20mg).

Took my pill yesterday in the morning and I feel dizzy and nauseous and foggy. Haven't taken it yet today (was going to switch to nightly anyway because it makes me sleepy) and although I'm still anxious I'm not feeling nearly as foggy.

Should I keep pushing through? I know some people say it gets worse before it gets better, but the foggy mind is awful! If I decide to stop, can I just quit cold turkey? Maybe I should just split my dose in half?

13-12-17, 19:02
I feel the same way. Really want to give this medication a try though. Did you carry on taking it?

13-12-17, 22:24
I ended up stopping after taking it for 2 weeks. I could hardly eat or get out of bed. I feel much better off of it, as I feel like it is either not the right medication or too strong for me (I tend to be sensitive). I'm doing a DNA test from my psychiatrist to see if there's a better drug match for me, and should have my results there next week.

14-12-17, 06:06
Well hopefully you can find something that suits you. I feel horrendous this morning but I think I’m going to give it till the 3 week mark before I give up.

14-12-17, 19:58
Good luck! I hope it works for you.