View Full Version : Multiple painful swollen axillary nodes - recurring every month

22-11-17, 08:02
Hi everyone.

Long time lurker, first time posting.

So background.

28, male.

I have had horrible health anxiety for a few years now. But the last 12 months I have been doing really well.

However about 3 months ago I noticed a painful lump under my left armpit.
Assumed it was an axillary node in my armpit flaring up to some sort of infection.
Within a couple of days all was back to normal.

A month later, it was back again. But this time I could feel 3 painful lumps.
Again, in a few days it was gone!
I was a little nervous at that stage.

Yesterday, they are back again! Even more painful.

Each time I've been perfectly healthy other than this. No apparent illness. No apparent infections.

Now I'm in full blown panic mode. Why does this keep happening!

Is this like definitely cancer? Haha

In January I had a full chest CT scan for other reason, and all was clear.

Except it was noted a left mode "demonstrated favour to be reactive" not sure what that means.

Also have had abdominal MRI and a testicular ultrasound within the last 12 months. Both were completely normal.

Only thing I have noticed the past 6months is a slightly tender left chest Coming and going. Can't feel lumps or anything. I think if it was anything suspicious, would have shown on the CT.

Any one out there able to put my mind at ease.
I haven't been able to find much information on multiple swollen nodes. And recurring instances.

I have a doctor's appointment later in the week.

I really Hate this. I was doing so well to just let it go the last two times.

Peace love and happiness xoxo