View Full Version : Hello and scared...

22-11-17, 12:08
Hello, i used to be over at AZ, didn't know it closed down... For the last three weeks I've had what the ER doctor diagnosed as a sinus infection and a mild case of pneumonia even though I wasn't coughing or feverish. He gave me medication that I've been taking diligently as instructed (strong antibiotic, Mucinex, nasal spray). Some of the symptoms have gotten better after the course of antibiotics ran out, which included mild headache under my eyebrow on the right side, bad tasting throat drainage, and constant burping up of mucus. I plan to do a follow up with an ENT and a regular doctor as soon as I can, but the holidays and finances may delay that a bit.

What is scaring me though is that about a week ago after I went to see the ER doctor, my right eye seems to keep wanting to close up as if it extremely tired or fatigued and is irritated. It's also blurry, although it varies quite a bit during the day. I also noticed, although I honestly don't know if it's new, is that my right eyelid is drooping down. The ER doctor did a quick check of my eyes, but didn't see anything that he mentioned, although usually in the ER, they are focused on the main thing.

So given that I can't get to the doctor right away, I made the mistake of reading Dr. Google because I figured that the eye thing was part of the whole sinus problem and perhaps it just needed more antibiotics. But then I read about all this stuff about nasal cancer and this muscle disease that starts in your eyes that can cause drooping or a possible mini-stroke. And that drooping is not a common symptom of sinus infection, although they said it can be in rare cases. Just scared of losing my vision in that eye or it being something that is going to kill me.

Has anyone else had such a problem? I know that is not a diagnosis, but some perspective would help get me through until I can see someone. Thank you for reading and I'm glad that I stumbled upon this place as I missed Anxiety Zone.

25-11-17, 04:48
Just following up on this. I went back to the ER and he did a CT scan on my head and face and said that there was nothing to worry about. That there was no cancer or abnormalities. He did suggest I go to a opthamologist for my eye and an ENT for my throat, but at least I can go there without thinking it's cancer right away, which I have appointments for next week...

25-11-17, 05:10
Good to hear that everything is ok!
Btw, It was quite a shock to me as well when AZ shut down.