View Full Version : Long haul flight on my own, help?

22-11-17, 15:51
Hiya guys,

So I am off to Australia next week as I am going on my own to visit my friend over there.I am so so excited but I have had quite bad anxiety for years now especially in public on my own, and I feel incredibly sick when I get anxious.
I am scared for getting on the flight, feeling trapped if I feel sick, and my connecting flight, passport control etc.
Any tips on how to keep the anxiety as low as possible? The flight im not so scared of as i've flew many times with my family, its more the getting on/off flights etc. What kind of things do you take to help anxiety and sickness?
Thank you!

22-11-17, 19:20
Hi, i went on my own to Oz couple of years ago!! Was so exciting you won't feel anxious, i put it off for years as i did not want to fly that far, bit i just told myself how else am i going to get there?? I have to fly, and once you get on that flight all you can do is sit there and watch films, enjoy and relax. Take something like kalms if you feel a bit anxious, or i use nytol diluted in water. If you have flown before you know what to do, just follow everyone thats what i do! Airports are just about queues! You will love it. Good luck x

23-11-17, 01:55
I did this trip from Toronto, Canada - 8 hour layover in Dubai - on to Australia.
What saved me was watching hours (and I mean hours) of youtube videos of the Dubai airport so I knew what to expect.
I also studied the map of the Dubai airport before I left-
good luck to you I know will be have a great time 1

23-11-17, 19:04
Thanks so much for the replies! Definitely going to try these next week :)

24-11-17, 15:29
Exciting! Australia is a great country. I did the flight a long time ago on my own and was pretty scared. You'll be absolutely fine.

Be organised. What about making yourself an itinerary so that you have it written down what you need to do, e.g. for connecting flights etc. Times, flight numbers, etc etc.

Keep all your documents together and handy, and make sure you've packed your hand luggage so that you have everything you need to hand. Make sure you have a pen for the entry documents you fill out on the plane (if they still do this, which I'd guess they do).

Wear something comfy and have some freshening up items with you which makes it more comfortable (small can of deodorant, face wipes, clean undies etc...obvs make sure liquids go in plastic bag for security etc)

If you feel anxious during the flight itself, talk to the cabin crew. I've always found flight attendants really supportive when I've told them I'm anxious.

Take lots of distraction with you...music, books, magazines. It's a long flight! Avoid caffeine. Drink plenty of water on the flight. Australia has fairly strict customs laws so make sure you know what you can and can't take in to the country before you go, so you can avoid any additional stress (like food, drinks)

Mainly, just don't be afraid to ask people, whether it's on the flight or in the airports. They are very used to it all and will help point you in the right direction.

Have a great time! :D

28-11-17, 04:23
That's great thanks so much!! My flights in a few hours so hopefully I'll be okay :)

28-11-17, 21:44
I have my kindle loaded with books to read or try a colouring book, and for me I have to always get to the gate in loads of time just so i know where it is. Have a great time.
