View Full Version : Prolonged muscle twitching

22-11-17, 20:52
I resumed weight lifting about 2 weeks after a prolonged break. Since that workout I have been experiencing almost constant twitching in my quads/thighs, calves, and around the knees. The twitches feel deep in my legs and only last 1-2 seconds. They are most notable when I am relaxing but can also be felt when standing.

Everything I have read says exercise related twitching and fatigue should subside by 5-7 days, so I am concerned it is something worse. Of course, now ALS or MS has entered my mind and is causing unnecessary anxiety.

23-11-17, 01:57
I've been twitching everyday, all day, for 21 months straight

23-11-17, 02:01
My twitching has recently subsided. But I had it for a couple months, pretty consistently, every day. Now I just get it in my eye when I haven't slept enough, and on occasion in various party of my body.

But I lifted weights today and after I did lunges my calves were going CRAZY. Twitching all over the place. They have since calmed down a bit, but still get a twitch here and there tonight.

Twitching is very common.