View Full Version : Mouth cancer ulcer? Help please!

22-11-17, 20:54
I posted a few days ago about this horrible ulcer I’ve got under my tongue. I’ve had it now for 6 days. It’s about 1cm long, kind of oval shaped and on the stringy part under the tongue. Stupidly I’ve been googling ‘mouth ulcer under tongue’ and cancer pops up every time! I’m freaking out BIG TIME! I’ve had ulcers before but little ones on the side or top side of my tongue and they only last a couple of days. This isn’t going anywhere and not getting better with Bonjela or steroid mouthwash my gp gave me. Can these things last this long? Has anyone got anything reassuring to add? I’m petrified it’s mouth cancer and I’m going to die 😭

22-11-17, 21:17
Yes they can last weeks on end sometimes.

23-11-17, 19:09

Has the ulcer changed at all, got bigger, smaller etc?

Is it under the tongue? When did you first notice?

If you don’t mind me asking, what is your age? Are you a smoker? Alcohol units per week?

Best wishes

23-11-17, 19:54
As a H&N cancer survivor, I can tell you that sores, ulcers and injuries/damage in general to the inside of the mouth or throat can take weeks+ to heal. It's dark, moist and healing just takes longer.

Positive thoughts