View Full Version : Tooth Infection FREAKED OUT!

22-11-17, 21:27
Hi guys,

Its been a while. My anxiety was hiding within for a while its back in FULL force. With real type scares too!

I was sick on and off for a month a few weeks ago, saw the doctor (after she scared me into thinking I had a blood clot) I was diagnosed with Acute Bronchitis (that jump started my anxiety).

Finally on the mend after the worst cough that wouldn't go away, I wake up and feel a little bump on my gum... I saw the dreaded abscess pimple on my lower left molar . I went to the dentist next day and he told me the tooth next to it has to be pulled (crown broke but not infected) and a possible root canal done on the tooth with the abscess to try and save it. He gave me a prescription for penicillin 500MG 4x a day!! That was last Friday. I am 28 years old, clearly need to get caught up on my dental work (teeth look pretty they just aren't healthy) and I quit smoking three days ago because its not worth the anxiety. My tooth was never in pain, It had fullness underneath and only tiny soreness if I play with it. The pimple comes and goes. I was honest with my dentist about my anxiety he told me not to worry, hes never seen anyone go sepsis with this infection and that I just need to take the antibiotics and wait for the endotists to call me to make an appt (still hasnt done that yet but I should be getting in next week possibly Friday)

I googled tooth infection which was so STUPID! I am leaving out of town today for Thanksgiving for the weekend and I wake up with a head cold today!! I feel okay, I mean like I have a cold. No cough this time thank goodness just a head cold at this point. I dont feel weak or so AWFUL but I am keep thinking... what if this is my tooth and the antibitoics arent working. I know its my lower left molar and its probably just a head cold (fiance has it too) but I cant stop worrying... doesnt help I'll be 4 hours away from my doctors and dentists!!!

Anyone have had bad tooth infections? Should I be worried since I am taking the steps, combined with no smoking..... ?

22-11-17, 22:20
Yep - two years ago I developed an infection around one of my lower wisdom teeth. At the time I didn't have a dentist, so I was unable to get in and see anyone. It took nearly 5 days before I saw an emergency dentist, by which time the infection was absolutely awful. I had a large abscess around the tooth, and could barely open my mouth - which I believe is a sign of a severe infection. I went onto the highest dose of antibiotics for 7 days.

So I had a severe, severe infection which went untreated for 5 days. I clearly did not develop or die of sepsis! You're on antibiotics - they will clear the infection and you'll be fine.

Speaking from experience, while you're waiting for the appointment to have the work done, get into the habit of washing your mouth out with warm salt water. While I was waiting for the offending tooth to be pulled (it took nearly 6 months as I had to go to the hospital to have it done, lucky me!) I had a re-occurrence of the infection three times (though not as bad thankfully). Two of the infections were re-treated with antibiotics, the last one I self treated with the salt wash, and it cleared it up (it was very early in the infection - after three I knew the early signs funnily enough!). So preventative salt wash should help as well.

23-11-17, 00:11
Thank you for sharing! That makes me feel much better. I’ve never had an abscess tooth and immeadility go to panic mode. If I wasn’t a smoker or was smoking I guess I probably wouldn’t be so freaked. Lesson learned at least! I’m glad you got yours out finally!