View Full Version : gaging

21-06-07, 02:10
when i have a panic attack i get dizzy shaky and i always gag like i am about to throw up and i have to do deep breathing to calm me down. sometimes if i think of something negative like i have to go somewhere i get scared and kind of cough/gag for little bit. It scares me because i dont want to throw up everywhere. sometimes at home i really do throw up.

i was wondering if anyone else got this sensation. Its very scary thats part of why i am agraphobic because i dont want to throw up infront of everyone.

21-06-07, 09:30
hi dee,
unfortunately for mr too im experiencing this right now, ive been in anxious state on/off for 12 weeks and this has been a big symptom, along with my stomach feeling like concrete uugghhh
anyway your doing the right thing just doing the deep breathing, its certainly working for me but you have to do it OFTEN even when your not experiencing the gagging, as you have to re-train yourself to BREATHE properly
allt he best to you

21-06-07, 13:46
This is also a major problem for me at the moment, and have found that I have stopped eating now because I just gag all the time and if I eat I will throw up.

21-06-07, 14:32
I have always felt sick but never am.
Would it help if you took a platic bag with you. That way if you are sick you havnt got the emmbrassesment of it going everywhere. This also might be enough to reassure you and stop you feeling sick. Just an idea