View Full Version : Scared: Explain your twitches?

23-11-17, 03:16
I’m deep in the ALS rabbit hole. It all began one day when my left bicep was twitching for no reason. It was a big, thumping twitch....visible under cloths.

A week later, it happened again but with my right tricep. A week later, my left tricep. Each time, the twitching lasted less than 5 minutes. It now I’m left aware of ALL the subtle twitches in my body. And I can’t tell if what I’m experiencing is the same as others.

So occasionally I’ve had those big, thumping twitches

On a regular basis I get what feels like bubbles under the skin here and there. It travels. A “Pop” in my thigh, then later in the day, a flutter in my back, then a couple bubbles in my arm later on.

Nothing except my eye twitches lasts uninterrupted. And even those alternate between eyes.

Is this BFS? Is this the twitches people are referring to with BFS?

23-11-17, 03:44
Yep, I get those all the time. Sustained eye twitching. Big thumbs in the legs. Also the feet and calves. And less frequently in the upper body, but those happen too.

Twitching is extremely common.

23-11-17, 08:37
I think yes. Do you exercise a lot? Twitches are common. Just look around here!!!

23-11-17, 12:30
I have all the twitches. Lately it's been my lower abdominals, but calves, thighs, hands, eyes. Most prominent after exercise or holding a lot of tension from anxiety. The only ones that actually bother me are the abdominal ones because that kind of discomfort is an HA trigger for me. But they are benign. Making sure you are adequately hydrated and getting your recommended potassium intake helps minimize them. As do relaxation exercises like yoga or Tai Chi. Meditation also helps if you're into that, but if you're not it can make you focus on the problem. Hope that helps!

23-11-17, 19:13
Yes I exercise several times per week. Right now I have a good one going pretty regularly in my bicep after doing weights yesterday. Yikes! And my calves were going crazy yesterday.

Good advise to drink lots of water, that is sometimes an issue with me.

24-11-17, 00:07
pretty much any muscle twitch has been experienced by a healthy person, I believe.