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30-11-04, 12:35
well i have tried these Prozac for nearly 5 weeks now and this week feel worst than i have for months, so scared shaking and out of breath when i wake. Sarah since u mentioned Ciprales I have read up a bit on them. most i find who has been on Prozac say it helped depression but not panic anxiety and phobia what i have. this is just one post out of mny i read on net about this med......

If you are requiring the best anti-depressant, ask your doctor for cipralex. The amount of life it has given me compared to any other drufg out there is beyond words..you can read my story to find out more about me and of course this wonderful drug called cipralex.
I have let the shrink and doc pic my meds up to now, so I think I am gona see doctor and ask for this med and tell him al the feedback i have got from it. Thanks sarah will give it a go[8)]. also they have there own web page at
Thanks Vernon

30-11-04, 14:49
Hi Verny Babes

I was at the doctors yesterday and she is wanting to change me from cipramil over to cipralex. Same make just a newer version as she feels i have got so far with cipramil but just need an extra boost to move that bit further forward.

She for obvious reasons doesnt want to make the change before Christmas as she doesnt feel i will be able to cope with the side affects and i have been on cipramil for nearly two years.

She told me she has had patients that were on the highest dose of cipramil and found they had hit a brick wall and couldnt quite get over it, like i feel. She then changed them to cipralex and they managed a lot better and felt even better. So babe it is worth a try.

Love Sal xxxxx

30-11-04, 15:14
cipramil / cipralex certainly seem to be winning the anxiety/ panic medication race.

We have had lots of people citing them being wonderful but also have those who it hasn't suited at all...

That website is the manufacturers - Lundbeck - one- so praps take some of the contents with a grain of biased salt.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-11-04, 15:44
Thanks all, and Meg my bad effects after nearly 5 weeks could be down to beint on clomipramime (tricyclic) for years and years before changing to prozac the rssi. But have read a lot say prozac is ok but not for anxiety, panic and phobias which i suffer much more than depression. and the last few days as been realy bad as if i cant breath with a realy tight chest. thanks all Vernon

30-11-04, 20:14
[Wow!] A post named after me - I feel so special LOL

Vern - I hope it all works out for you mate!!

Sarah :D

30-11-04, 21:50

Why not think about coming off the meds altogether - under a controlled programme of course.

They won't cure you long term and now you are off the previous lot it would be a good time to try maybe?


01-12-04, 13:39
I was thinking that Nic, but I am realy going through hell at the moment and Cant take anymore. my shrink and doctor seems to think i would benefit from SSRi while i also do my CBT next year. I have already gave up drink fully and gave up tranx so I dont want to push my luck and try to give up everything.

01-12-04, 22:05

Maybe the drugs are causing the harm more than you think.

Just an idea.
