View Full Version : cant seem to believe

21-06-07, 02:38
im 20 years old. healthy. no history of any cancer or heart problems in my my whole entire family. I have gotten blood tests done EKG done my blood pressure is always good even when im having a panic attack the readings are normal.

My problem is not all my panic attacks are the same. Not all of them feel the same so i start to freek out that i just developed a heart problem or some sort of problem. They say you know go with the flow accept your symptoms. I have had anxiety for about a year and i still cant seem to accept them. I still always get scared that i have something wrong even though i have gotten checked out many times.

somedays it just comes out of the blue i will feel fine and BAM all of a sudden i get dizzy and start panicking which makes me think that oh no maybe its something else

any advice??

the most important way to get over a panic disorder is to accept the symptoms and i just cant seem to do it! :(
its hard for me to leave the house because i think uhh o what happends if i get a weird symptom when im gone and its not anxiety

21-06-07, 03:29
If you are waiting for them to accept them then you are thinking of them. I have read Claire Weekes books and you do need to accept them, but not forget to leave them out of your head.
I have just read the Book of the Secret - it helped me more than anything and it really isn't a book on anxiety. But it about your thoughts and how strong they are and will guide you and shows how your mind controls you.
Give it a read

21-06-07, 17:35
The most annoying thing about anxiety, is the numerous ways your mind can bring it on. I've lost count of the strange feelings/thoughts etc that have made me anxious, and it is a lot better when I just deal with them. Its not always that easy, and sometimes things are too difficult to accept. Today I have had a strange cold shiver down my side periodically. Its the weirdest thing, as I don't think I am cold, and having never experienced it before or see any reason for it, my mind is a little concerned.. I'm trying not to think about it!

I guess what you need to think about is you are healthy.. All your tests are fine, so keep say this to yourself, and hopefully it helps!

21-06-07, 18:20
Hi Dee

I get the dizzyness too, i find distracting myself and breathing exercises helps me the best.

Have you seen the How to cope and first step pages section of the forum, theres some good advice to help too.




21-06-07, 19:51
Hello Its Hard To Accept Them Yes...but We Must And They Come In All Different Stages Like 1-10.....and Come Out Of The Blue Usually I Know They Do For Me Anways I Think For Most...just Remember Its Just A Feeling And It Will Pass................wish Ya The Best.....linda