View Full Version : My kids trigger my anxiety

23-11-17, 13:29
That is all, nothing else to add. They are a huge trigger for me not really sure why. Also I hate this time of year.

23-11-17, 16:00
That is all, nothing else to add. They are a huge trigger for me not really sure why. Also I hate this time of year.

Sounds like the change of season and the shorter days are getting to you. Do you have any aids to help with SAD? Light box, dawn simulator, think you can also get full spectrum light bulbs that help too, and going out whenever there is sunshine.

Kids , much as we love them, can be a handful at times and when we arenīt feeling up to par, its easy to be so sensitized their noise and demands can feel a bit much to cope with. Iīm sure we have all tested our parents at times, and got on their nerves more than once! :winks:

23-11-17, 22:20
Thats' probably part of it. The other part is for the last 3 weeks my daughter has been saying she's a boy. But only in certain situations like when she's upset. Like just now at dinner she got mad at something and she no I'm a boy. But then the other day she said she's a big girl. I'm so confused. IS this a toddler thing? She's 3. I just don't know what to do. It's making me anxious because I'm worried for her future.

24-11-17, 09:21
Thats' probably part of it. The other part is for the last 3 weeks my daughter has been saying she's a boy. But only in certain situations like when she's upset. Like just now at dinner she got mad at something and she no I'm a boy. But then the other day she said she's a big girl. I'm so confused. IS this a toddler thing? She's 3. I just don't know what to do. It's making me anxious because I'm worried for her future.

Toddlers will tell you anything when they are upset I thinks its quite normal. Even if she does turn out to be transgender, which I doubt anyway, she sounds like shes just pushing your buttons in all honesty, she will be OK. I can appreciate that you wouldnīt want her to go on a rough ride, but the world is a much more forgiving place than it once was, and she will do just fine. xx:D

24-11-17, 11:52
Hi supermom, do you think your daughter could be saying those things as she is at the age where she is starting to understand the concept of gender, and that people are either male or female? I'm sure it's *totally* normal for her age. I read that many preschoolers have the idea that gender is flexible with little boys saying they want to grow up to be a mummy etc.

But as Chick says times have changed and the world is a much more tolerant and understanding place. As long as children know they are loved and supported then they will be off to a good start :)

24-11-17, 12:55
She never said this before going to preschool. IDK. It's just giving me anxiety for a whole lot of reasons. One would be I would feel like I'm losing my little girl. Then it would be her struggle on her own. Then also how other people perceive her. But she's three and just started preschool and IDK if shes just saying this or is confused. OR if I'm going to far. IDK.

24-11-17, 18:17
I definitely wouldn't read too much into it, I do think it's just a normal phase and all part of them learning what gender is and what it means etc. I remember when I was at preschool I insisted on being called Morris as he was a character in a little magazine I had, there was a female character too but I preferred Morris! :roflmao: I definitely grew out of it and just look back now and laugh! Try not to worry too much :)