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View Full Version : Have I found the solution?

23-11-17, 13:44
I've posted in the past about my anxiety and my depression/lack of interest in life but I think i've found a promising theory for this. As many know, with anxiety comes a lack of enjoyment toward the activities you did before all this happened and we keep doing these things still hoping the joy will come back. I've been thinking. What if we've just outgrown those things? I know this may sound out there but when you look at anxiety in more spiritual communities it is seen as a rite of passage. In our modern society we tend to hate change. We end up clinging to the things that made us comfortable especially in the face of resistance. Whenever I read stories of people who recover they tend to all have something in common. They changed their habits and things they did. In some cultures they cut off their hair when grieving because by this drastic change they feel like they are moving forward rather than feeling like time has stopped (i've met people who testify to this themselves). In my case, before my anxiety I used to smoke weed all the time and just sit on my couch from sun up till sun down and watch netflix and listening to my favorite bands. I used to love doing that! When my anxiety happened I couldn't smoke anymore or even watch my shows for more than 10 minutes without doing something else. The bands I listened to before my anxiety didn't interest me very much. When I just sit in my living room or lay on my bed I just get depressed. So could it be that maybe i've just outgrown these things and I am forcing myself to enjoy them because it was the last thing I remember enjoying? I wan't to experiment. I want to make it a goal to stay busy. Whether it's exercising, picking up new hobbies, joining some sort of meet up or working on projects. I don't want to do anything that resembles my old habits (laying in bed or on the couch all day watching tv). I want to listen to new music and do new things. I can tell this is true because recently i've picked up Jiu Jitsu and I am obsessed with it. (something I haven't been in a long time). I mean really think about it. Imagine playing with your favorite toy car or doll when you were five but at your current age. You wouldn't hold any interest other than a few seconds of nostalgia. The same could be said of the things you do now that aren't bringing you joy like they used to. Anyway I'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks for reading!