View Full Version : untreated GERD

23-11-17, 14:35
Hi guys, was diagnosed GERD in April. But I'm sure mine is LPR, currently having asthma, shortness of breath, nasal mucus, swollen throat, gurgling stomach which goes up to throat, sore throat when waking up in the morning, etc.

I had consumed GERD meds during my earlier GERD, including Nexium. Weeks after that I stopped since my symptoms kinda gone.

More than a month ago I had swollen throat without knowing more that that was due to my GERD. So I visited my ENT and pulmonologist. Didn't get any relief. Long story short, both eventually pointed to my GERD. I still have swollen, sore throat until now.

Then after suffering for so long, I read about LPR and how it can create symptoms like mine. So I took H2 blocker. Feel a bit better but not much and had to stop because I developed allergy. So finally I took Nexium and immediately felt better, although my sore throat still there. Weird since I read it took long time for Nexium to really kicks in, yet I felt significant relief in my first take.

So I became paranoid with Barrett and cancer, considering my long untreated GERD since at first I didn't think this throat issue was from my GERD.

So any of you with long untreated GERD? How was your last endoscopy during that time? And, does taking GERD drugs like Nexium really have esophagus healing effect? Do you have proof for this (i.e. healed mucosa) from your last endoscopy?

Thanks in advance. Any help would be appreciated.

23-11-17, 17:02
Well, my problems with heartburn started long before I was diagnosed. About 17-18 years I think, but it progresively got worse; and the period befre I got diagnosed and was allowed nexium I often felt that food; even food that were not spicy was forcing itself up the stomach. But after I put on the medicine; that is 11 years ago I got better.

I dont think Nexium is healing the esophagus; it neutralises the acid and the horrible burning feeling in throat; but without it I still feel bad.
But I can not say for sure, as it is 11 years since my last endoscopy. I am on waiting list for one.

23-11-17, 23:05
Well, my problems with heartburn started long before I was diagnosed. About 17-18 years I think, but it progresively got worse; and the period befre I got diagnosed and was allowed nexium I often felt that food; even food that were not spicy was forcing itself up the stomach. But after I put on the medicine; that is 11 years ago I got better.

I dont think Nexium is healing the esophagus; it neutralises the acid and the horrible burning feeling in throat; but without it I still feel bad.
But I can not say for sure, as it is 11 years since my last endoscopy. I am on waiting list for one.

Thanks for your answer. Do you still take Nexium now? Do you have any other GERD drugs besides nexium?

About nexium healing effect, I'm not sure too. You can find it on the internet. Perhaps because it suppresses stomach acid, when we are refluxing, the acid won't be there, therefore allowing the damaged esophagus to heal.

Like you who had heartburn for long, I think I had acid reflux even since I was a child, but back then it was only occassional heartburn.

Taking PPI is also bothersome to me, as I know its long term side effects, although I know too that many people have been taking PPI for decades. I don't mean any of this for you to stop your medication. It's just that I have problem with this kind of drug.

Thanks and could you post here your upcoming endoscopy result after you get it? It would certainly help. I hope your GERD is improving and nothing serious will be found.

24-11-17, 00:23
I was diagnosed with GERD about two years ago. I started getting gurgling, and a really strange feeling in my stomach like it was bloated in the mornings, over the course of the day it would go away. Then I started getting a sore throat, and then I got a lump in my throat and a feeling food was stuck there. I got in to a complete panic, begged and pleaded with my consultant to do an endoscopy that day which he did. He found I had Gerd and a hiatus hernia. He put me straight on to tablets ranitidine and omeprezole.
I find that sometimes I wake up with a sore throat and it’s usually on one side and if I let it get to bad a get a small irritated cough, this can happen with heartburn symptoms and more often then not without the heartburn, have you tried omeprezole? That’s what I’m in and does the trick. I stupidly learnt the hard way that when I was diagnosed with gerd I could continue eating and drinking what I likes when I likes, fizzy was my weakness, coffee is a big no no. If your being naughty with food try really hard to cut It down at least. When I get a sore throat I know now I’ve been naughty and need to behave :D

24-11-17, 02:39
I was diagnosed with GERD about two years ago. I started getting gurgling, and a really strange feeling in my stomach like it was bloated in the mornings, over the course of the day it would go away. Then I started getting a sore throat, and then I got a lump in my throat and a feeling food was stuck there. I got in to a complete panic, begged and pleaded with my consultant to do an endoscopy that day which he did. He found I had Gerd and a hiatus hernia. He put me straight on to tablets ranitidine and omeprezole.
I find that sometimes I wake up with a sore throat and it’s usually on one side and if I let it get to bad a get a small irritated cough, this can happen with heartburn symptoms and more often then not without the heartburn, have you tried omeprezole? That’s what I’m in and does the trick. I stupidly learnt the hard way that when I was diagnosed with gerd I could continue eating and drinking what I likes when I likes, fizzy was my weakness, coffee is a big no no. If your being naughty with food try really hard to cut It down at least. When I get a sore throat I know now I’ve been naughty and need to behave :D

Hi, DonnaT! About foods - indeed I'm really really trying my best, I've been learning (from the internet) nutrition, histamine intolerance, etc. which all have helped me. But again as a human I sometimes make mistake and have to evaluate the food I eat again. Have you ever heard "one's super food is other's poison?" - or something like that? That's exactly what I frequently do!

If you haven't heard already, try searching histamine intolerance. Besides hiatal hernia, liver / gallbladder problem, bad bacteria, full stomach from overeating, histamine intolerance also has connection with GERD.

24-11-17, 12:46
You could also have a lactose intolerance. I had that after children, by all of accounts bodies can change that much it can cause this type of thing. When I got the tablets I stupidly thought that they would sort it all out and I could eat what I wanted. How wrong was I? Finding the lactose intolerance has helped. Have you had a hpalori test done, my consultant did that first it’s a bacteria in your stomach/intestines that can give you symptoms. Talk to your gp I’m not even sure if I will need another endoscopy at my age 33 the consults didn’t say I would at the time.

24-11-17, 21:42
You could also have a lactose intolerance. I had that after children, by all of accounts bodies can change that much it can cause this type of thing. When I got the tablets I stupidly thought that they would sort it all out and I could eat what I wanted. How wrong was I? Finding the lactose intolerance has helped. Have you had a hpalori test done, my consultant did that first it’s a bacteria in your stomach/intestines that can give you symptoms. Talk to your gp I’m not even sure if I will need another endoscopy at my age 33 the consults didn’t say I would at the time.

Yup, I stay away from milk too. When I was given milk to aid my weight gain due to significant loss from ulcerative colitis, that was when my GERD wreak havoc again. About H. Pylori I also suspected this, however I haven't been tested yet. Did you have this? What kind of treatment did you do?

28-11-17, 00:11
I had to drink a solution twice over two hours I think. Then they asked me to blow in to a bag each time. I didn’t have h pilori so that’s why I begged the consultant for a endoscopy because I was frightened I had other issues. That’s when they found the GERD. He thinks my problems weren’t helped by the fact I have had big babies. I was thinking about this post because for the last two days I’ve woken with a sore throat (been drinking coffee and fizzy) so today took my omeprazole. When I had the endoscopy done it was done in the Middle East when I got home my gp did check my liver and gallbladder just to rule out a few other things, it’s maybe worth a chat with the gp again to see about h pylori testing. Try and think of foods that might affect you, you might be lactose intolerant or dairy intolerant it’s worth quitting them one at a time to see if it has any affects then restart them again to see if your symptoms restart.