View Full Version : Botulism Fear From

23-11-17, 19:15
I keep convincing myself I'm going to get botulism or worse , somebody I cook for will get it. I see it as a threat everywhere and often won't eat food other people have prepared.

This time I feel i have valid reason to be scared. I made some beef chilli a few days ago and left the pan on the side. Life got busy and it got forgotten, and during this time some body placed a plate in the dirty pan forming a seal around the meat and gravy/chilli sauce. I discoverd it today and washed it as normal but now I'm in a panic. I know botulism can grow in an oxygen deprived environment and things like gravy and sauces are a threat if in the right conditions. I feel like this dirty pan with leftover sauce under the seal of the plate provided the perfect conditions for botulism to grow as it was sitting at room temp for days.

I didn't pay attention while I was washing the pan and splashed water everywhere. Am I being crazy? Im terrified ive just covered my kitchen and cutlery in botulism toxin. I'm googling it all the time in the hope that I'll see something to calm my nerves.
Please somebody respond to stop me from going crazy with fear.