View Full Version : Please help I've gone deaf! Or have I?! Weird ear symptom

23-11-17, 19:36
I've been getting a blocked ear on and iff with a funny fullness feeling for months now but brushed it off as excess ear wax. But about 3 hours ago I yawned and suddenly went 'deaf' in one ear. I thought it would go away but its still there.

My hearing is very noticeably distorted. I can still hear but it feels muffled in one ear and very loud in the other. Its like when you hear a fire alarm and its very loud you get a weird vibrating feeling in your ear. I keep getting that feeling with every small sound and a funny feeling behind my eyes like they're going to water.

I've been seen at the walk in centre and was told my ear canal is a bit red but they cant see anything else. They gave me an antiinflammatory spray and sent me home.

Its unbearable. Every sound is like its a hundred decibels but I feel deaf at the same time. My face feels funny and I keep getting funny shivers in my ear and face with every small sound its so sensitive.

Has anyone had this before? I keep worrying that I have something wrong with my brain or that I'm going to go deaf.

My dad had tinnitus that was very bad and he was told that he would go deaf eventually it was very bad tinnitus and I worry I will get it too.