View Full Version : Bleeding after walk - piles?

23-11-17, 20:29
Hi all,

Many months ago I had this huge fear about colon cancer that led to me getting checked out by 2 GIs. I had a change in bowel habits to looser stools. After many months of high anxiety neither doc felt warranted any testing besides the simple checks, all symptoms stopped.

Today I had a bowel movement and then went for a walk. I started feeling irritated down there during the walk, like itchy and uncomfortable. When I came back I went to the restroom and wiped and there was some bright red blood. I freaked out! Kept wiping and it went away after 2 wipes and hasent come back. I've never had this happen before. :(

It still feels irritated but no more bleeding so far. Could this be piles? I don't want to run to the doc right away, but obviously will if it keeps up. Has anyone had bleeding like this after exercise? The last time I had bleeding down there wa after delivery with an anal fissue( ouch!).

23-11-17, 20:43
Yes, this is most likely piles. They do cause small amounts of blood after wiping unfortunately. Rest assured, you have seen 2 GI’s already so nothing is concerning to them. Also, the fact it was bright red means it was fresh so likely from your a pile rather than a deeper problem if that makes sense? Trying not to go into TMI haha!

23-11-17, 22:20
I know, not the most pleasant topic!

It's just bringing up a bunch of bad feelings that I thought I had gotten rid of earlier this year. :(

Hopefully it was a one time thing or something that will heal quickly on its own!

24-11-17, 00:10
I have suffered with piles for a while (4 children) I recently had a big one. Anyway, we had a case of worms in the house:blush: I got so frightened by the fact the kids had worms I started wiping really hard not realising what I was doing. Turns out I had actually cut the pile. I got in such a panic I called out of hours doctor was checked she told what had happened. A few days later I was out walking with my kids and I felt itchy and wet (panic worms) I wiped and there was loads of blood, so I ran straight to the a&e, checked again, said the same thing. She said that because they are full of blood they tend to bleed lots.
I would just go and see the gp so they can have a check and they will be able to tell you. I have lost count how many times a doctor has seen my private parts now:blush: I think it will help put your mind at rest. If it’s irritating/itchy that does sound like but get your mind put at ease.

24-11-17, 04:42
When walking there can be rubbing and the same sitting on them for to long I found. This meant sweating, seeping, itching, soreness and that can mean some bleeding as they are being rubbed.

24-11-17, 07:14
Could be piles or could be a small tear from doing a poo, and blood from wiping is not anything bad , cancer from that area i know a friends dad that has it said he noticed it when went to toilet and literally filled up the whole toilet with blood, certainly not from having a uncomfortable bum then blood when wiping so dismiss it :)

24-11-17, 17:23
Thank you all for your replies!

So far so good today, I'm trying to push away the anxious thoughts. I appreciate all your help! You know how HA makes you always assume the worst. :(

11-12-17, 17:52
Hello! I am having rather similar issue here, I have prolapsed piles and I think anal fissures , I am not sure if It has even recovered. But today when I went to the bathroom, out of curiousity I use my finger to try to check if there are somemore hemorrhoids inside there, then it bleed very bit, and when now it feel sore and a little pain. The reason why I did it, is because I am afraid I have anal cancer. So now I am even more scared when there’s even a little little blood. But the blood isn’t alot so it’s just superficial isn’t it? I just turned 20. And I read that anal cancer is uncommon and more risk from anal sex. I am a virgin. And I just have most troubles dealing with my piles and nothing else.