View Full Version : I had the worst day ever today.

21-06-07, 03:23
Hi. I don't think I've ever posted in this forum before, I'm usually over in the health anxiety area. But I thought this time it might be more appropriate here.

I've suffered with anxiety/health anxiety since I was 6 years old. In my teens I had panic attacks daily and that continued until I was 22. I'm 26 now, and even though I still have a lot of anxiety/health anxiety I don't have panic attacks very often anymore. Maybe one or two every few months, which is nothing to me since I used to get them 10 times a day.

Well, yesterday I started to get a fullness in my chest, like something was in my lungs but wouldn't come out...like fluid or something. I started to worry about it and immedietly feared the worst (congestive heart failure, as a girl I know just went through that). Then by later on yesterday I was having what I can only describe as my heart not pumping enough blood or something. Now, I have low blood pressure a lot but this was different. I get that "Gasping" in the middle of the night where I wake up and have to catch my breath...and when I do that I can feel the blood rush back to my head etc when I take that big breath...it's a weird feeling and hard to describe. It was like having that in the day time. Last night I did not go to sleep until 4am because of this.

I had an acupuncture appt today and he said my heart sounded fine, and my husband is pre-med and checked my lungs which didn't have any fluid in them. It got SOOO bad today. I was having that trouble almost constantly. Which was causing me to start to panic. It's much worse when I first stand up or when I am walking around or something...it's as if my heart or lungs are not getting enough blood or something and then I can feel the blood go to my head (not the same as low blood pressure). So I got up from the couch and immedietly felt very strange all over and the blood rushed to/or away from my head...I did not feel lightheaded but a very strange and overwhelming sensation that I was going to pass out and my head was deprived of oxygen or something. I screamed for my husband which has NEVER happened. He said this was the first time he's ever been scared for me. After this episode it continued in milder doses and I had all the classic panic now as well....hyperventilation, blurry vision, lightheaded, shaking, weak legs, tingling.

It's still hard to describe what it felt like. It's like when you first get that surge of adrenaline like you're scared and your heart pumps and extra bit or loses a bit (not sure which) at that moment....it was like that constant waves of adrenaline making my heart and blood do that. Over and over again. Or when you've been holding your breath a long time and you start to get dizzy/full in the head and you let it go and it all comes shooting back....kind of like that. And when it happens my heart starts racing (it's not ectopics I get those too). It's sort of like my heart is working super hard to get everything flowing through and it makes me weak all over and...darn I just don't know how to explain it.

I felt very weak like I had just been through a huge battle, and I had to lie down. It took me a bit to fall asleep as I was still having episodes and actually gasped one time when I was falling asleep.

When I woke up I felt better. I am still weak and my muscles hurt like I've been hit by a truck. I have had a few other small episodes of it. My heart is still beating a million miles an hour though. Also when I woke up I noticed my lungs feel like I've got a bit of an upper respiratory infection. Maybe that's why they felt/feel full.

ANyway, it really scared me and I'm terrified this will happen again. I mean, it has been two day of hell. :weep: And today I just wanted to die rather than live with this. This has never happened before and I don't know what I'll do if it continues. My husband couldn't even go to work tonight.

Thanks for listening to my rambling. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

21-06-07, 04:04
Hi Kimmiepie

Sorry to see you are having a hard time at the moment. I think most people with anxiety can relate to what you are describing. I know I can.

We tend to focus on the symptoms or thing we fear most and the more we focus on it the more we anticipate those symptoms or that fear happening so it becomes a fear of fear.

If you can maybe write down those reassurances you've received today from the accupuncturist that your heart is fine and your husband who is a pre-med checked your lungs.

Write those out in big letters and read them each time you start to feel anxious or experience those symptoms you can reminding yourself of how you felt today and it was fine. Then assess how you are feeling in the present. If you were fine before you can judge the risk to your health with these worries.

My CBT therapist suggested something similar for me and I've found it helpful. Perhaps you might like to try it.

The theory (I think) is that if you can feel reassured enough that it is anxiety and panic and you will be ok the fear or fear can be broken and days improve.

Something to think about. I hope tomorrow is better for you.


21-06-07, 04:21
Oh Kimmmie -
I am so sorry you are feeling so poorly right now!!!

I honestly don't have any great words of wisdom just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!!!

If your hubby sounded you then it isn't your lungs or your heart. Sometimes anxiety and panic just suck so bad and we just have to think of it as a temporary feeling that will eventually subside!!

Sending hugs to you hun in hopes that tomorrow will be a better brighter day for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:


21-06-07, 04:50
Thanks guys. :)

I am starting to think it was the fact that I am coming down with something (respiratory related, cold or something) and tight chest muscles, maybe even holding my breath when I wasn't realizing it, even low blood pressure. And I was anticipating the worst, sure it was deadly.

In the back of my mind I'm still thinking...will it come back? What if it is something bad and it's just better for the moment?

I signed up for a 12 week free CBT course online so I'm hoping that will help.

It was just really scary and I'm still weak in the legs...I guess from all the work it took out of me.

Thanks for your reassurances.

21-06-07, 07:44
I hope today is better for you Kimmiepie.


21-06-07, 08:57
I too get the symptoms you describe and I know how scary they are. It's difficult to believe that anxiety can make you feel so awful, but it can.

I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

21-06-07, 15:32
Thanks guys.

I do feel better today...but not normal yet.

I do seem to have some sort of chest cold so my lungs still feel very full. I'm still ocassionally having that feeling I was talking about yesterday but more and more I'm thinking it's low blood pressure.

I usually only notice the low blood pressure when standing up, but maybe this is what it feels like when you have it throughout the day and I'm just panicking over it with the chest fullness.

I am trying to relax and not tense my chest muscles as that will make it worse.

My husband has work tonight so I might be back on panicking when he goes. I'm trying to not to think about that but it's lingering there.

21-06-07, 17:30
aw hun :hugs: it is soooo horrid mate ..i feel for you i really do..you sound like me..oh i may have a bug ..oh i think i am ill etc etc..and somtimes we really are..wow relief hey!:wacko: I went so dizzy today and my tum is in cramps ..i convinced myself i was allergic to the slimfast shake i had drunk:lac: all anxiety hun:flowers: do try not to keep 'looking 'at the symtoms or they grow with the anxiety ..relax..or come here and talk it out..thinking of you hun..love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-06-07, 20:33
Thanks Paddie. I used to drink SlimFast too. :yesyes:

It's weird. I feel much better now.

This morning I was feeling really weak again...like I just laid in bed because when I got up I felt so weak and my heart would beat fast. Then I ate some pizza and some raisins and went for a nap. Now that my nap is over I still have the fast h/b but the weakness went away.

Only now that I have been sitting here, my legs are getting weak again.

AHHH it's driving me nuts.

02-07-07, 21:22
Wow, I know exactly how that is. Just yesterday I had really bad anxiety for a while, it just kept getting worse and worse. Then suddenly I felt different, and I noticed my heart rate got really slow, and I had that overwhelming sort of tingley feeling. Then it changed to my heart pounding and beating really fast and I felt a lot better. Getting blood drawn I had the same overwhelming oxygenless-head feeling which caused me to almost faint.

I can't tell the difference between a panic attack and fainting, as it seems like the same thing happens usually.