View Full Version : Strange smell/worried

24-11-17, 09:08
For about the past week I keep smelling a smell that I can only compare to car fumes. I have a cough and blocked nose but am worried about this smell as I have heard it can be a symptom of a brain tumour or a stroke. Combined with my off balanced feelings this is only making me more convinced. Now my left hand is tingling. I know everyone will say to go to the Dr but I'm too scared to find out the truth. Has had anyone experienced these smells before? I'm trying to convince my self it's my sinuses but it's not working:huh:

24-11-17, 12:01
You have a cold nothing more nothing less, you get all strange taste and smells when you have a cold don’t worry it will pass say to yourself if not better in 9 days or any improvement then you go doctors , but at the moment just ride it out just a cold

24-11-17, 17:45
Thank you for replying
I know deep down you are right.
It's anxiety taking over as usual.