View Full Version : Why do we have doctors

21-06-07, 08:54
God I am fumming
Been trying since last friday to get a appointment to see my Gp had terrible ear ache and facial pain
was told last friday to phone back monday as no appointment available
so yes phoned back monday was told same no appointments as two doctors on holiday phone back tuesday I have had to phone back every day and still no appointment
just get told to take painkillers by the receptionist what the hell do they no
all this doesnt help my health anxiaty one bit so yes you cant die of earache (i dont think) but why do we have doctors if we cant get appointments to see them wish i could afford to go private then maybe i would get seen when i needed to
sorry to rant on but so uptight about it all feel better writting it down
well tommorow is another day I may get a appointment lol

21-06-07, 09:07
Hey Syl,

I can completely understand where you are coming from, my mum was really unwell one time and had exactly the same problem , it was ridiculous as she has had a stroke and doesn't keep as well as she should do.
Anyway needless to say I was fuming so I phoned up on her behalf, and eventually got put through to the practice manager, saying that if an appointment wasn't given we would be paying a visit to the casualty dept and also our local newspaper!!
Guess what.........because I had made a fuss she got an appointment that day ( although there were none to be given ) , I sometimes dont know why we pay taxes sometimes , i mean we are lucky to have a NHS but I think so many times targets and politics get in the way.
I would definately push for an appointment if your still really feeling unwell as its a ridiculous time to have to wait. Good Luck and let us know how you get on.

take care

shirley xx

21-06-07, 09:15
is it possible to change your doctors, I used to have one that was exactly as you described, now I changed and can get an appointment usually within 48 hours, or same day if urgent.

21-06-07, 09:21
I wish it was possible to change doctors but unfortunatly ours is a health centre and the only one in our area so dont have the possiblity of changing
they have 4 doctors on but they are always booked up all we get told is they have x amount of patients as if i care if i need to see a doctor
going to take kittykats advice and phone the practice manager
maybe i might get somewere

22-06-07, 07:44
Hi Kittykat

did as you said I phoned the practice manager and had my say
then guess what out of no appointment she found one for this afternoon
when I said oh i thought you had no appointment she said oh we have one or two so I said why wasnt i offered one when i phoned earlier and she didnt answer but at least i will get to see the doctor this afternoon so dont have to wait much longer

27-06-07, 08:43
well got to see doctor and she said i had a ear infection so was given drops
also she said the pain i was getting over my eyes was sinusitus and to use stean to clear it
well 5 days later ear has cleared up but still left with terrible pain above my eye lids under eyebrow using steam doesnt seem to have helped so am now worrying that it is not sinusitas as doctor said and maybe something more serious oh health worrys really get me down
has anyone had sinusitus and did you get the pain below your eyebrow if so how did you get rid of it

27-06-07, 09:38
Syl :hugs: :flowers: I just want to give you a big hug :bighug: Also as a health anxiety sufferer I can just imagine what your going through hun. I have had pain behind my left eye these past few months and am too big a coward to go and see the doctor in case he says it's something serious so I try to put it out of my mind and plunder on lol. Big hugs for my adoptive mammy I'm here always for you. :hugs: xxxxx

27-06-07, 12:28
Yes it does sound like sinusitis to me. Steaming with menthol cystals should help clear it, you need to do it a few times a day. Have you tried sudafed? taking this helps clear your sinuses but don't take them for long.

If you have a temperature, your bones above eye and in cheek area are sore to touch then you might need antibiotics so id make another appointment. I have had sinusitis a few times and when its green from nose (sorry) and I get the above symptoms im given anti b which soon clears it up.

Hope you feel better soon.

27-06-07, 18:38
I was asked by my GP to make an appt but the receptionist said they didn't have any for that week. Just like you asked for the practise manager and she managed to over ride the system so i have on e at 8.30 am tomorrow. A lot of the problem is political and restraints put on by gov initiatives , to make things better!!!!!!:shrug: