View Full Version : Venlafaxine shortage

24-11-17, 13:21
Has anyone else had this problem?

I'd seen something about it online but hoped it would soon be resolved. Just had a phone call from the GP to say there is a supply issue and the pharmacy can't get my usual immediate release tablets. They're giving me extended release instead. I've had extended release before and can't tolerate them because I get withdrawal symptoms between doses, so the GP has said to take them twice a day.

Has anyone else taken extended release twice a day?

Hope this is resolved soon, for all of us on this medication! :huh:

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------

P.S should probably add my dosage as don't want this post creating anxiety in everyone who's on venlafaxine.

I usually take 37.5mg immediate release tablets twice daily. I know they also can't get 75mg immediate release, but am not sure about the higher doses or the XR tablets.

24-11-17, 16:30
Swap you I hate immediate release.

I was moved over to them for financial reasons I think, just noticed that you said that there was a problem with 75mg immediate release, I have just put in a prescription for those tonight so I will see if they can get them or not.

Hope this works ok for you

24-11-17, 16:38
Thanks Elen.

I've just had a look in the cupboard and have a few weeks worth of the immediate release left so hoping the issue will be sorted in that time!

The GP said the pharmacy haven't been able to get the 75mg immediate release, though fingers crossed yours will be able to. Sorry to hear you were switched to them though if they don't suit you. If there is a shortage then maybe your GP's can switch you back to the XR!

25-11-17, 05:13
There have been NHS shortages due to import issues over the years but Googling or watching/reading the news normally reveals these issues as the NHS are vocal about drug shortages.

If it's not out there in the media somewhere, it may just be a delay issue in that area or that pharmacist. You could try another pharmacy to see if they have them because there have been several times my pharmacy have been low and given partial dosages until a delivery later that week or even said they can't dispense at all for a few days.

With a med like this, there is normally provision for these problems because they know you can't just stop taking them. i would expect the pharmacy to dispense a weeks worth or phone around to find some for you.

There is also online nowadays. You can send them your prescription. but the P&P shouldn't be at your cost, although it's not a seperate pharmacy's problem either, but if worst comes to worst...

I'm surprised you struggle on XL. The whole point of it was to avoid the intra dose withdrawal issue Ven standard is well known for. But I bet your GP loves you since you have the cheapest form when other patients are getting to savvy to the smoother XL which costs much more and trusts have been telling GP's to not even tell patients it is an option until they ask so as to keep costs down.

25-11-17, 14:26
Unfortunately Terry, speaking as one who has dealt with pharmaceutical products in a different line of work, these shortages do happen for real and we never find out the reason behind it.

tbh I have always thought it screams of a miss management of production runs rather than anything else.

25-11-17, 23:27
Thank you Terry for the informative post. The pharmacy are not terribly helpful, I only use them because of their opening hours. They gave me the name for their supplier so I guess I might give them a call. I'm hoping it's just a short term issue. If not, I'll start ringing round pharmacies, before panic sets in! I didn't know about the online pharmacy option and will definitely keep that up my sleeve, just in case.

I took the first XR this morning and so far it's been fine, but I remember it being quite variable when I was on them before. I'm thinking of taking the XR on days when I'm not working and sticking with the immediate release when I am, or an IR in the morning and XR at night, trying to get them to last as long as possible. Do you think that would be ok to do?

Apparently I'm a rare case with the XR withdrawal issue! I even tried the proprietary Effexor with no improvement. Terrible head shocks. The GPs couldn't work out what I was on about until I found one research study on a patient with the same problem I have. Happily it was easily resolved by switching to the immediate release, and as you say, it's cheaper too.

Thanks again :)

07-01-18, 23:59
Just thought I'd update this, partly for my own records (in case it happens again!) and in the rare event it might help someone else.

I switched to taking XR twice daily, which was fine and I had no withdrawal symptoms, but my goodness I couldn't sleep :scared15: After 3 sleepless nights I called the GP and agreed I'd take XR in the mornings and IR at night, which helped immediately.

I also contacted the supplier directly, who said there were no further problems with the supply. My GPs were great and re-issued the original prescription for IR, so in the end it was all resolved quite quickly and fairly easily, and I've now switched to a more convenient and hopefully more helpful pharmacy.

Hope everyone else has managed to avoid this problem. It was a wee bit stressful for the short time it lasted!

08-01-18, 01:30
Why were you taking the XR twice daily? And mixing XR & IR is very strange.

The XR covers 24 hours, although the half life is actually shorter, as it's not that far off some SSRI's. Adding a dose of IR onto that is increasing the overall dose per day. :shrug:

08-01-18, 06:46
Hi Terry

I was taking XR twice a day under doctor's orders, as I can't tolerate once daily (interdose withdrawal). And mixing IR and XR also as agreed with my GP. It may be strange but certainly eased the insomnia. I had a few strips of IR left so the plan was to try to make last until the shortage was over.
Obviously wouldn't recommend mixing them or taking XR twice daily without doctor's guidance, and for most people it wouldn't be an issue as XR seem to suit most people better. For me though, the IR is a better option