View Full Version : PE worries!

24-11-17, 19:45
Hey everyone,

Sorry to post again but I am now worried I have a pulmonary embolism! My leg seems to be getting better but after reading about a PE I now can't stop focusing on my breathing. I've had this for a week now so I feel if anything was to happen it would've happened by now (touch wood!) I now have some sort of virus where my throat is sore but not intense and my back seems to be aching a bit. When I breath in I don't get any pain just a feeling of fullness. I don't know why I'm always thinking the worst all the time! :weep:

Peace and love

26-11-17, 13:55
Hello :)

I had multiple PE's last year that were misdiagnosed for months however I'll just put your mind at rest if I can :)

Firstly I don't think for one second you have PE's. Believe me you will know if you have them. The pain is horrendous both in the centre of the chest and collar bone pain every single time you breathe in and this will get gradually worse and sharp until its above 10/10 pain wise. It is very high intensity pain. You also feel extremely short of breath to the point that this is not a feeling of can I or can't I breathe it is just general I can not breathe if that makes sense.

By the time I was diagnosed I had extensive lung damage, tissue death and fluid on my lungs BUT even IF you did have PE's they are more common than you think, very treatable and yes they can be life threatening but even given how much damage there was I recovered quite quickly and easily and so do many other people.

I know you see alot of stories of people dying of PE's but thats only a small percentage in comparison to people like me who recover.

Mine started off as a DVT that travelled due to a mix of pregnancy and surgery but I didn't get the leg symptoms. However the actual PE symptoms are undeniable and very very extreme.

Try not to worry. I hope I helped in some way xx

26-11-17, 16:55
Hello :)

I had multiple PE's last year that were misdiagnosed for months however I'll just put your mind at rest if I can :)

Firstly I don't think for one second you have PE's. Believe me you will know if you have them. The pain is horrendous both in the centre of the chest and collar bone pain every single time you breathe in and this will get gradually worse and sharp until its above 10/10 pain wise. It is very high intensity pain. You also feel extremely short of breath to the point that this is not a feeling of can I or can't I breathe it is just general I can not breathe if that makes sense.

By the time I was diagnosed I had extensive lung damage, tissue death and fluid on my lungs BUT even IF you did have PE's they are more common than you think, very treatable and yes they can be life threatening but even given how much damage there was I recovered quite quickly and easily and so do many other people.

I know you see alot of stories of people dying of PE's but thats only a small percentage in comparison to people like me who recover.

Mine started off as a DVT that travelled due to a mix of pregnancy and surgery but I didn't get the leg symptoms. However the actual PE symptoms are undeniable and very very extreme.

Try not to worry. I hope I helped in some way xx

I'm so so sorry to hear what you went through, that must've been absolutely terrifying and for you to suffer for that long without diagnosis makes me extremely sad. Thank you so much for your reply though, you have comforted me a lot. I think since reading about PE I have somehow managed to get all the symptoms etc, now I have this cold which freaked me out so much last night as I felt I could not breathe however this passed once I had cleared my lungs and thought rationally. I really hope this worry soon passes thank you for sharing and your kind words.

Peace and love xxx

27-11-17, 09:18
Hey everyone,

Sorry to post again but I am now worried I have a pulmonary embolism! My leg seems to be getting better but after reading about a PE I now can't stop focusing on my breathing. I've had this for a week now so I feel if anything was to happen it would've happened by now (touch wood!) I now have some sort of virus where my throat is sore but not intense and my back seems to be aching a bit. When I breath in I don't get any pain just a feeling of fullness. I don't know why I'm always thinking the worst all the time! :weep:

Peace and love

If I too can give you some advice about PE's as I have had quite a few in my time including multiple DVT's that have caused these with or without the leg pain, its a very painful chest that is all I can say to the point where I was breathless to even talk (sorry if this is a trigger) - being anxious can cause back pain (trust me my back has been sore for months and it was anxiety) and a sore throat could be a virus like you say.