View Full Version : Pregnancy has caused my HA to come back

24-11-17, 20:44
Ugh I'm 15 weeks today and for the past 5 weeks my head has hurt... I have seen drs, ob dr, neurologist and been to the ER twice. He last time I went was Monday and they did a spinal tap and MRI said I DONT have brain bleeding or tumors but why don't I trust what they told me? I did for a few days but since yesterday I can't stop thinking what if they missed something......... this is not how I wanted to spend my pregnancy.

24-11-17, 22:12
My wife is 12 weeks and she occasionally is getting headaches too so it’s common, she thinks could be down to blood sugar or just tension, chill enjoy your pregnancy

25-11-17, 02:50
I am 25 weeks pregnant right now. I will tell you I had pretty bad hormonal headaches until about 18 weeks (same time my morning sickness finally started to get better). I don't have them as much anymore, but they were pretty bad for a while. I felt hungover all the time without the fun of drinking! I took tylenol, as it was basically all I was allowed to take.

Also my HA has come back pretty badly during pregnancy too. I can empathize with you. Our emotions and hormones are so all over the place that it's hard to feel normal.