View Full Version : Hello

21-06-07, 12:56
Hello have just found this sight. I guess I have recently had a breakdown and am now on AD and beta blockers for panic attacks. Lots going on with relationship at moment. I am going to read some posts and perhaps put something down.

Granny Primark
21-06-07, 13:07
Hi kaz

Welcome to the site:flowers:
Im sure the information on this site and the support you will recieve from its members will be a great help to you.

Take care

funky chick
21-06-07, 13:12
Hi and welcome to NMP im sure you wil get a lot out of the site and make some new friends to love Gail xxxx:hugs:

21-06-07, 15:09
Hi Kaz,

Welcome to NMP. You will receive lots of support and information here. Many are feeling what you are going through at the moment.


21-06-07, 18:18
Hi Kaz,
Welcome Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Support And Info Here I Wish Ya The Best.linda

21-06-07, 18:21
Hi Kaz

welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


22-06-07, 02:47

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

22-06-07, 12:05
Hi Kaz and :welcome:

I'm sorry to hear about your recent difficulties but I'm sure the advice, support, and new friends you find on NMP will help you massively.

Take care,

22-06-07, 15:10
Hello Kazz, :welcome:to you!

You're in the right place for support and help - we're all here for each other!

Pleased to meet you!


22-06-07, 15:19
Thanks for the welcome guys. I have posted a new thread in Depression from Anxiety/panic, explains a bit of what's going on at the moment. Look forward to chatting with you all and getting some sound advice. xx

23-06-07, 10:20
Hi Kaz,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

24-06-07, 11:42
Hi there Kaz, a big warm welcome to the site, you will get lots of support and advice here, it has helped me so much in the past and I have just rejoined after a long absence becuase I thought I was "cured" but anxiety and depression has reared it's ugly head once again but once again I am determined to beat it. Hope you feel better soon.
Take care
Love Lisa

24-06-07, 13:24
hello and welcome. this is a grear site and it has helped me alot. the people on here are so caring. you will get alot of support and help here
love debera :hugs:

26-06-07, 21:43
Hi Kaz

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and support and you meet some fab people here.

Pink Princess
27-06-07, 23:39
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx