View Full Version : Please help health anxiety and tmj issue - at my wits end

Elizabeth Fry
25-11-17, 12:46
I have health anxiety made much worse by my current situation. I am having tests for my stomach and ibs - all ok so far. I am backwards and forwards to the doctor. Last week I went twice. Such shame I feel when I go. Mostly with lots of different things.

Last night I was massaging the muscles in my face to relieve tmj/tinnitus and I noticed that there was a swollen muscle (or what feels like it) in my left cheek. Between my cheek bone and the lower muscle. I do have tmj and wear a mouth guard.

Wow, panic and up all night, checking and rechecking. Please help or give advice? I would really appreciate it - I don't know what to do.

Thank you so much.

25-11-17, 13:40
I thought I might have TMJ and was due to visit my new dentist practice at the time. I mentioned jaw ache and he looked at my back teeth to see evidence of grinding and then felt my jaw muscles which he said area enlarged due to the grinding.

When you clench your teeth your are contracting more than those jaw muscles. For instance, if you play with a finger against your temple you will feel that band of muscle contract too. So, I expect this is going to be the reason for your finding some muscle inflammation.

I remember my therapist said her supervisor had suffered anxiety and one of his symptoms was clenching & grinding. She said he ended up with quite impressive jaw muscles. I can appreciate this because I've always tensed my diaphragm and I have a decent set of ab muscles! Sadly though, they are covered by a less impressive layer or flab :biggrin:

Elizabeth Fry
25-11-17, 14:48
Dear Terry

Ha ha. It must be catching!

Thank you for your sound response I am sure you are right. Yes I too was seen by the dentist not so long ago and he said that my bite isn't right at all and that I am grinding my teeth. (My teeth are all ground down on one side) He had a really good look around my mouth and said that all was healthy. He suggested that some of my ent symptoms might be from grinding too. He checked my tooth guard, in my mouth also. So he was thorough.

I am going from one thing to another Terry. The trouble is I don't make things up and I am propelled forward to check them out. I just notice them ALL the time!

Have you any suggestions as to what I can do to help myself? I am having therapy and the therapist wants to help me deal with the HA but as I am going to her for bereavement counselling (my husband) she is reticent to attack it. She says the only way to deal with this is not to seek reassurance and not go to the doctors. I am sure she is right. I feel uncomfortable mentioning having gone to the doctors even though up until recently I was having a monthly appointment at the GP and sticking to that - which was an improvement. At the moment the anxiety is overwhelming at times.

I find it difficult to confide in anyone how bad it is - some even find it funny. Humiliating.....

Sorry for the long response.x