View Full Version : going to see councillor for the 1st time

geordie flower
21-06-07, 14:22
Hiya, I was wondering if anyone could tell me wat to expect when I go to see my councillor for my first appointment, Im really looking forward to going I'm not apprehensive or worried at all I'd just like to hear from anyone as to wat to expect, thanks tracey :) x

21-06-07, 14:30
Hope it all goes well. What will happen will depend on who you have but genrally they will ask about you and the promblems your exsperincing and what you want to get out of the cancelling.
Take care hun and well done

21-06-07, 14:30
Hi There:D

I recently started councilling and the first appt was just a chat to discover what my issues probs etc were very relaxed and no stress at all:yesyes:

Ive now had 3 sessions and its helped loads, mine is CBT based so I have homework to do each time!!!

You will be fine just relax and enjoy the fact that you are being helped!!!

Hope it all goes well for you:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-06-07, 10:43
good luck tracey!! i had counselling during and after my ivf cycles and i found it really helpful im sure you will too.
kate xx

23-06-07, 01:02
i started today its not bad...they just might ask a few questions on why ya there ....and just say whats on ya mind see i use to hide things today i let it all out , one thing you will know if you like this councelor or not.some are not so good but alot are good ...you will know.i wish ya the best.........linda

23-06-07, 11:23

Great news that you are starting some counselling.

I've had so many different therapists I lose track! But all in all they tend to start with an informal assessment session. So it's just a chat really, about you and your life.

Counsellors do vary according to their psychological approach, and also themselves, but I would expect your first session will be more assessment than counselling.

Hope that helps :) xxx

28-06-07, 09:47
Hiya, I was wondering if anyone could tell me wat to expect when I go to see my councillor for my first appointment, Im really looking forward to going I'm not apprehensive or worried at all I'd just like to hear from anyone as to wat to expect, thanks tracey :) x

Hi geordie flower

Have you had your first appointment yet?, if yes how did it go.



geordie flower
28-06-07, 14:47
Hiya, yes I had it on monday and it was great. Had an informal chat and had to fill a questionnaire in. I was diagonosed with post traumatic stress disorder. If you go my post I posted on monday evening called "Finally an answer!!!!" I detail in that wat the whole story was. Its such a relief to finally have a reason for all this and I have to say I have felt a hell of a lot better since monday, I think once you know wat yor dealing with then u can get your head around it. Thanks for asking, it means alot tracey x :)