View Full Version : Need advice

Lost all hope
25-11-17, 19:13
Hi I need abit of advice I currently have a cough an keep coughing up really green phlegm don’t have a sore throat but lost my voice a little bit an sometimes my younger feels like it’s burning? Also getting pains in tips of my shoulders an arms! I’m freaking out I have something serious or is it anxiety? Was only at the docs on Wednesday don’t want to go back on Monday an I don’t want to look on google either! I’d really appreciate any reply’s :)

25-11-17, 19:27
You obviously have some kind of infection, thus the green phlegm. It could be a virus or bacterial. If you go into the doc, they will give you antibiotics in case it’s bacterial. If it’s viral, all you can do is bed rest, lots of fluids, and cough medicines to treat the symptoms. I would start doing that now, and then if you don’t feel better in a few days, go in and get some antibiotics.

Lost all hope
25-11-17, 19:39
Thankyou for replying I was just letting my anxiety take over it’s bloody awful. Yeah il give it afew days like you said :)

25-11-17, 19:47
But make sure you take care of yourself in those few days with fluids and rest, otherwise you aren’t helping your body fight it.