View Full Version : Headaches, pains in head

25-11-17, 22:33
Ok, so I had a cold a week ago for about 4 days, during this cold I developed a headache now and then, normal situation id say.
The cold went away but the headaches have stayed.
I never get headaches, its the one symptom I never get, ive had about 3 headaches in 29 years, now ive had one every day for a week.
Its not really painful, and is sometimes more just a stabbing pain in numerous areas of my head, seems to ache at the back and when I bend down, If im distracted it tends to go away until I remember
My mind is jumping to brain tumours, aneurysms and blood clots.
Please help. Reassurance necessary

11-12-17, 03:20
I have been worried about the same thing for the last 4 months all until I had all the tests and everything checked out. It’s anxiety... I know it’s hard to accept especially coming from me where it controlled my life for over 2 years with constant panic attacks and aweful health anxiety. I’m a lot better now but having acceptance that it is in fact anxiety helped me a lot. For months I let it control me with every little pain and ache I would think it’s something sinister. I mean everything lol I got a pain in my leg and right away thought blood clot...pain in the chest impending heart attack....headache must be a tumor or aneurysm. I know it’s hard and I wish you the best with this aweful anxiety. Good thoughts healthy mind healthy soul. Cheers.

24-12-17, 12:23
Thanks a lot. I am exactly the same as you. I always think the worst after ten seconds of any symptom