View Full Version : Throat cancer fear

25-11-17, 22:50

I had strep throat 2-3 weeks ago. I took amoxicillin 3 times a day. I’ve been having these symptoms for about 2-1 weeks, I forget exactly when. It all started when I was looking down my throat and I saw two bumps right above my left tonsil. The strep throat I had felt like it was mostly in my left throat. I also have small bumps in the back wall of my throat which are horrifying me. The symptoms I’ve felt were really just the “feeling” of my throat. It wasn’t really pain but just the awareness of it, if that makes sense, like I could feel my throat. I’ve also had very very light pain in my ears and one particular spot in my throat, right under my left tonsil.

Yesterday I did the thing. I noticed a little white stuff on my left tonsil (it’s no not here anymore) and I looked it up, then had a panic attack. I told my mom to take me to the doctor (I’m a minor) and she said we’re going Monday. I’m bracing myself because there’s basically nothing else that can explain this. Since yesterday all I can think about is my throat and that anxiety is pumping up my symptoms so I can’t tell what’s natural or not. Obviously everything feels worse now. Everyone of my symptoms is way way worse than it was before I looked it up. I’m horrified, please help.

26-11-17, 06:53
The white stuff on the tonsil, is pus or a tonsil stone, not cancer cancer doesn’t come and go so completely dismiss it and don’t bother wasting your time going to the doctors

26-11-17, 10:14
Strep throat is really really nasty. Takes weeks of feeling rubbish to start to feel better. You can expect to feel sick, fatigued, out of it, etc... As the other poster said, the white stuff is pus. You're catastrophising. At worst you have a dose of strep that is taking a while, as normal, to get better with the antibiotics. It's not "horrifying" - your language is really not helping your thinking here. When you use words like that, as you do a few times in your post, to describe things you are just ramping up your anxiety.