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View Full Version : RE: all the ALS/Twitch posts

26-11-17, 00:16
My advice is to completely starve your brain of all ALS related material. That includes this forum. I quit checking all forums and BFS groups and my anxiety was so much better, and twitches lessened too. We have built this connection in our head between twitches and something sinister, when all evidence and medical expertise says otherwise. Posting on forums and asking questions just reinforces it.
I logged in the the forum and I immediately started reverting to my anxious way of thinking. I even had a but of anxiety relapse for a day or too.
This is an amazing place when you are going through the thick of it, but its not good for recovery. At least this section. There is an ENTIRE section of this forum dedicated to recovery. I suggest spending more time there.

I have fought this damn ALS anxiety from twitches from over a year, I have read thousand of forum posts, medical articles, asked doctors in person and online. The bottom line is TWITCHING WITHOUT OBVIOUS AND SEVERE CLINICAL WEAKNESS IS HARMLESS. Twitches are a minor symptom of ALS that not even all of those who suffer get. You can get over this. Get off the internet and live. Let your twitches twitch.

Best of Luck.

au Lait
26-11-17, 00:41
Good advice!

I sometimes find this place triggering as well. There are certain topics that I refuse to read because I know that there’s a good chance that it will set off my HA. It’s never a good idea to dwell on an idea or belief that causes anxiety.

26-11-17, 03:06
This is very sound advice. I know I have been triggered numerous times reading posts on here (not through any fault of the OPs). It's so irrational that the simple act of reading about something can completely undermine my state of mind, but it happens. I have noticed improvement just by not visiting the boards of the illness I fear. Not reading triggering posts on here will be the next step.