View Full Version : GERD, gurgling stomach to throat

26-11-17, 02:56
Hi guys, anyone with GERD / LPR experiences gurgling throat, or at first gurgling stomach, and then soon after that goes up to the gurgling throat? My inflammed throat also seems persistent, although it is getting more sore after meal.

Also, I've read GERD / LPR can only be cured (medical-wise) with surgery, although I know many have become GERD free without surgery, you know, diet, lifestyle etc. What do you think of it? Because I don't want to take drugs all my life as I know its side effects (I know many have been taking them for decades). I'm also anxious this GERD / LPR will bring more damage to my esophagus, throat and lungs (the big c thing). My lungs already have calcification & fibrosis, and you know the rest - I read idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) which has very poor prognosis and said that to my pulmonologist but he didn't worry, mine was small, like a pen scratch, not every PF is IPF and he said it could be from GERD and I could do the x ray again one year from now.
