View Full Version : A throat lump and lymph nodes making me anxious

26-11-17, 13:01
I am literally going nuts. I found a lump below my chin, attached to the pipe and sits there above my larynx. I am male. I initially thought it was my hyoid bone but I have started to question that because the lump is a bit to the right of the center of my throat. Sometimes it hurts but it may be due to be poking it.

My neck was US'd a month ago because there was a really hard lymph node inside of my right cheek. The doctor told me that it was "to be considered benign". Back then I was already aware of the lump above my Adam's apple and asked the radiologist what it could be and his response was "a basic bump". I wasn't worried about it back then but my anxiety was deteriorated. I am constantly fearing cancer.

The fact that there are two quite large (2 cm) lymph nodes on the left side of my neck, quite low down there, doesn't make the situation any better. This makes me fear that I have lymphoma and that the hard lump is a swollen, immobile node.

Eventually, I googled lymphoma symptoms and saw that one of them was pain in upper abdomen, where the liver is. I actually have had discomfort in that area for a month or so. I just have accounted that for having a bad posture for years and currently recovering from it. Now I am not sure anymore.

The fact that my neck was imaged a month ago gives me a little hope. Can bad changes appear this quickly?

27-11-17, 10:29
Bumping this because I have doctors appointment tomorrow. I am fearing lymphoma even tho I am accounting this for HA. I hate this feeling.

I hope the lump is just a cyst or a really asymmetric hyoid bone. I don't know what to do if won't be imaged or biopsied. My stomach pain is getting worse but it may be psychosomatic...

27-11-17, 11:37
Hi Kroppb first up I don't suffer from HA but have been on this forum long enough to see cycles and patterns of behaviour like the Googling of symptoms and the reassurance seeking it's all part of HA. how old are you? Cancer doesn't not spread that quickly either
Also believing your Dr can be a trial within it's self, so do understand. Glad you are accounting this from your HA which you must mention to your Dr tomorrow :)
Good luck and keep us informed ATB

27-11-17, 14:00
Hi Kroppb first up I don't suffer from HA but have been on this forum long enough to see cycles and patterns of behaviour like the Googling of symptoms and the reassurance seeking it's all part of HA. how old are you? Cancer doesn't not spread that quickly either
Also believing your Dr can be a trial within it's self, so do understand. Glad you are accounting this from your HA which you must mention to your Dr tomorrow :)
Good luck and keep us informed ATB

I am only 19 which gives me some *or a lot of* reassurance. It's a good idea to mention HA to the doctor. Need to keep that in mind.

The only thing is that my HA has started to deteriorate lately. Now I have started to think WHAT IF the doctor I am consulting (GP) will miss something. Sounds characteristic of HA, right? Maybe I should tell my symptoms to him and if he tells me there's nothing wrong, I will ask him to elaborate; how did you conclude so, is further checking not required. I think I need to insist on getting my throat imaged whatever the cost. It might provide me with enough reassurance. (But I am kind of scared I end up developing more WHAT IF scenarios inside my head; ultra will not entirely rule out cancer.) :unsure:

Just wondering how easily are nodes biopsied...

Anyhow, I am trying to keep this thread up-to-date. :)

27-11-17, 14:35
I am only 19 which gives me some *or a lot of* reassurance. It's a good idea to mention HA to the doctor. Need to keep that in mind.

The only thing is that my HA has started to deteriorate lately. Now I have started to think WHAT IF the doctor I am consulting (GP) will miss something. Sounds characteristic of HA, right? Maybe I should tell my symptoms to him and if he tells me there's nothing wrong, I will ask him to elaborate; how did you conclude so, is further checking not required. I think I need to insist on getting my throat imaged whatever the cost. It might provide me with enough reassurance. (But I am kind of scared I end up developing more WHAT IF scenarios inside my head; ultra will not entirely rule out cancer.) :unsure:

Just wondering how easily are nodes biopsied...

Anyhow, I am trying to keep this thread up-to-date. :) Well that is cool glad it's given you reassurance mate ahh now your HA is questioning your Dr's ability these are trained professionals years of training so bear that in mind that's why it's important to tackle your HA and now :) ATB

27-11-17, 14:50
Well that is cool glad it's given you reassurance mate ahh now your HA is questioning your Dr's ability these are trained professionals years of training so bear that in mind that's why it's important to tackle your HA and now :) ATB

True that but try telling my health anxious mind that! Maybe I have spoiled my mind with all the cancer forum and blog posts that say "I saw 5 GP's and not single one of them could tell me what was wrong. Eventually I consulted a ENT specialist who took a biopsy of the lump and I was diagnosed with this and that".

I try to tell myself that those are really rare occasions; odds of firstly developing cancer and then your doctor not finding it put together are the same as winning the lottery. But with the worst prize tho.

27-11-17, 15:37
When I was in my early twenties, I went through a bad lymph node/neck obsession. I remember finding similar lumps and bumps. One was my hyoid bone! A few others my doctor felt and was not concerned with at all. Stay away from the cancer forums! Google made everything so much worse for me. I wish I never discovered it. Try your best to listen to your doctor.

27-11-17, 15:49
When I was in my early twenties, I went through a bad lymph node/neck obsession. I remember finding similar lumps and bumps. One was my hyoid bone! A few others my doctor felt and was not concerned with at all. Stay away from the cancer forums! Google made everything so much worse for me. I wish I never discovered it. Try your best to listen to your doctor.

Tomorrow we'll see. Maybe the hard mass is just an asymmetrical hyoid bone. :D I want to trust doctors and I have actually trusted them always and I really pay tribute to their work but lately - due to Dr. Google - my trust has diminished. I wish to fix this soon. Later on it can become worse and cause much worse anxiety over things - that are truly serious.

I have started to realize that what the radiologist said made things worse. He kind of ignored my fears and called it a "bump" and I being stupid, did not ask for clarification. I.e. the uncertainty *obviously...* drives me crazy!

Also, may I ask you how you recovered from your obsession, swgrl? :)

27-11-17, 16:59
Honestly I got on meds!! And I did a lot of therapy. And I think eventually I got to the point where I couldn't worry about it anymore. I had enough doctors check these bumps out and had literally googled so much that there was nothing more I could do. I was exhausted from it. So that obsession has passed for me more or less ... I have had other worries come up, but meds and therapy has been the best combination for me in reducing the obsessive thoughts and googling.

27-11-17, 18:32
My anxiety symptoms have gradually eased. I have just tried to forget all health related for today, and care about it only when meeting the GP. But actually, there was one time I kept poking the hard mass. It feels just like bone. It seems to be where the hyoid bone dwells. But it is a bit to the right. I keep repeating these things in my mind; the only alarming aspect being the off-centered position. But I am not a doctor and cannot tell if such asymmetry is common or at least non-problematic.

Huge thanks to swgrl and bigboyuk! You have cheered me up! :)

Tomorrow I will hear what's in my neck. After that no more uncertainty!
I know that just hearing the GP's opinion will not cure my HA but it will certainly help. I know it for sure. But I will also seek help for HA, too. Hopefully the doctor is kind to give me tips to start with!

27-11-17, 18:59
My anxiety symptoms have gradually eased. I have just tried to forget all health related for today, and care about it only when meeting the GP. But actually, there was one time I kept poking the hard mass. It feels just like bone. It seems to be where the hyoid bone dwells. But it is a bit to the right. I keep repeating these things in my mind; the only alarming aspect being the off-centered position. But I am not a doctor and cannot tell if such asymmetry is common or at least non-problematic.

Huge thanks to swgrl and bigboyuk! You have cheered me up! :)

Tomorrow I will hear what's in my neck. After that no more uncertainty!
I know that just hearing the GP's opinion will not cure my HA but it will certainly help. I know it for sure. But I will also seek help for HA, too. Hopefully the doctor is kind to give me tips to start with! That's good to hear mate :) you make good point (many HA ers don't) you aren't a dr as you say and tbh you don't know what you are looking for so that's excellent leave it the professionals :yesyes: ATB

27-11-17, 21:17
Exactly! Nobody is symmetrical and honestly I think mine felt off-center too. I don't go looking for it though anymore because I don't want to go down that rabbit hole! Good luck with your appointment :)

28-11-17, 08:32
Update: the doctor examined my neck and was able to feel the lymph nodes and the neck bump.

The neck bump was, according to him, either an asymmetric hyoid bone or benign cartilage growth. Either way, he was not concerned and did ask if I was feeling down or have lost weight. I actually feel down and tired and told this to the Dr and he immediately knew why. I have been worrying about all this.

He assured that there is nothing wrong. Then I asked that "I have been stupid and been Googling my symptoms". He asked me "did lymphoma come up?"

On saying yes, he told me that stop Googling and keep living your life. You don't have any signs on lymphoma. He noticed that my beck had been US'd and told me that the radiologist was really professional and has a lot of experience. He even showed me his notes on my nodes and the bump. It said "some larger nodes that, however, are within normal threshold, larynx fine, no noticeable signs of anything acute."

Then, when it comes to my stomach discomfort. He actually took my hand and tried how far my fingers bend. I have never noticed any hyperbending but there appeared to be some. Then he examined my stomach and there was no swelling. The stomach pain couldn't be accounted for any organ issues. Yay! It is maybe due to my bad posture and the fact that my rig cage bends a lot; actually a bit inwards if I don't support my back.

I also got bloodwork done. The only measure they need concerns my thyroid. It seemed fine in the ultrasound images but just to rule that out, it was done. Now I am waiting for the results that are coming tomorrow.

My HA has eased a bit more now. There was just one thing that made me a little anxious temporarily. It was when I was making the bloodwork appointment. The nurse asked me which doctor referred me for bloodwork. I told the name and the nurse was like "Ohh. Dr. *lastname*? What has he done this time."

This made me really uncomfortable. But I am over it. The doctor seemed professional and together with the fact that an experienced radiologist scanned my neck before, there is no need to worry. If I ever notice a new lymph node or notice that one grows really large, I am going to make an appointment. Also, I need to keep my hands of my neck. This won't happen with flying colours, I know it. I need to put my mind to it. Maybe I find a way to disract my attention for a few weeks. I have to see.

Anyhow, the nurse was being a bollock. :unsure:
Why would someone say that kinda things to a patient?

I will keep this thread updated for a while about the blood test and the aftermath of this HA attack! :)

28-11-17, 15:21
It sounds like this doctor was really thorough and understanding. I am glad it went well! The nurse may be making a joke based on her own personal relationship with the guy, who knows, but I wouldn't look too far into it.

Thyroid tests are so common. I get them done every year and they are always normal. Sounds pretty routine :) I hope you feel a little better after the appointment. And I agree, hands off!! Sometimes, when I am in a "checking" obsession, I have to break it down hour by hour. I won't check for an hour, then I get to the next hour and see if I can extend it. Eventually I just forget to check.

28-11-17, 17:19
I wish I would've saw this yesterday to help you, but anyway, JUST last week I found a lump JUST like you describe in my neck. Its on the right side just above the adams apple to the right of my windpipe/larynx or whatever its called. I found it when I was getting ready to go out somewhere and it sent me into a HUGE panic. Mine is firm but I can squish it a little and its kinda sore when I do. I know its not a lymph node because its too centre to my neck and nodes are under the jaw and on the sides of the neck. Anyway, a friend of mine said she has the same thing and its just a lump of cartilage. So I relaxed, even more now that I saw your Dr. said the same thing. :)

28-11-17, 18:17
It sounds like this doctor was really thorough and understanding. I am glad it went well! The nurse may be making a joke based on her own personal relationship with the guy, who knows, but I wouldn't look too far into it.

Thyroid tests are so common. I get them done every year and they are always normal. Sounds pretty routine :) I hope you feel a little better after the appointment. And I agree, hands off!! Sometimes, when I am in a "checking" obsession, I have to break it down hour by hour. I won't check for an hour, then I get to the next hour and see if I can extend it. Eventually I just forget to check.

The doctor indeed was lovely. Maybe it was the relationship of theirs who knows but I think she said so because the doctor was an immigrant (from the Baltic countries) and his language was really full of words from his own native language. Maybe he is known as a "funny guy" among the hospital staff. Anyhow, he did seem to know the anatomy of the throat really well. He even found a pic of the structure online and showed me where the things are and what is what. :)

I wish I would've saw this yesterday to help you, but anyway, JUST last week I found a lump JUST like you describe in my neck. Its on the right side just above the adams apple to the right of my windpipe/larynx or whatever its called. I found it when I was getting ready to go out somewhere and it sent me into a HUGE panic. Mine is firm but I can squish it a little and its kinda sore when I do. I know its not a lymph node because its too centre to my neck and nodes are under the jaw and on the sides of the neck. Anyway, a friend of mine said she has the same thing and its just a lump of cartilage. So I relaxed, even more now that I saw your Dr. said the same thing. :)

If a mass doesn't grow it is nothing to worry about. We tend to get lumps of fatty tissue here and there. Some "unique" lumps of cartilage in places and all that. Good to hear you had found out what it was and that my post gave you more reassurance. :yesyes:

30-11-17, 06:14
Update: blood test results came back normal.
Hope this thread is helpful to someone - writing here has helped me a lot! :)

30-11-17, 10:02
[QUOTE=kroppb;1740364]Update: blood test results came back normal.
Hope this thread is helpful to someone - writing here has helped me a lot! :)[/QUOTE Hey kroppb been reading the your replies sound like you have a excellent dr who knows the score and will go out of his way to make you feel better and put your mind at ease:) It's all good mate ATB

18-12-17, 06:55
I happened to come across this post tonight just browsing to see if anyone had any funky lumps in their neck area... On Thursday I had a coughing fit and during it felt like something weird and uncomfortable on my neck, I rubbed it and felt a pretty big lump probably at the same level just to the right. I have never felt it before and it immediately sent me in a panic. I felt my daughter's neck and my husband's and they do not have it and this freaked me out even more.. Ever since then it's like I'm in a hyper mode... when I move my neck etc it's like I can feel it there. It's very frustrating and scary. I haven't Google about it because I know good and we'll what that's gonna lead to and since it's crossed my mind a few times already, I had better not.
I have been going through some very strange things since April. Me and my Dr thought something was wrong with my liver because both my palms suddenly turned red and I have prominent blue veins showing through my skin all over my body that were never visible before. After much testing my liver checked out okay. I have no idea what's causing my symptoms but cancer keeps entering my mind.. I have been having terrible sweats when I sleep and now this lump... I suppose I will have to make an appt with the Dr in the morning.
In my early 20s I suffered terribly with health anxiety after my heart condition was mis diagnosed for panic attacks. I eventually got it under control but since April of this year with back to back symptoms and no answers I feel myself slowly being pulled back in and feel helpless to stop it... I don't want to go through this again :(

19-12-17, 00:57
I had a cat scan early August of my neck to check on a small tumor I was diagnosed with in 2012 in my left Paratiod gland. It must have been a stone because nothing showed up and tumors don't magically disappear. In any case I wonder if something sinister could manifest in just a few months.... it's driving me crazy but I go see my ent 2marro morning. I hate going to the Dr about things like this. Always afraid of what they are gonna say...