View Full Version : Blimey havent been here for a while!!!!

kate H
21-06-07, 15:54
Hi Everyone!

Just thought i would popin and say hi, havent been here for a while. Have been in recovery for the last 12 months and thought it might help if i went solo for a while.

Still have my bad days where my anxiety and DP rears its ugly head but ont he whole things are a lot better.

have got some insecurity and jealousy issues at the moment and i'm not sure if they could be linked to my anxiety int he past? Can anyone shed any light?

Wil have a look around and see if i can helo anyone out on there posts.

Good to be back


21-06-07, 18:37
Hi kate

lovely you have popped back to let us know how things are:) , im pleased you have made such great progress:yesyes:

I too have bad days hun but its good when we have more good than bad .:)


21-06-07, 19:48
Hi Kate,
Glad To Hear Your Feeling Better,well They Say When Ya Insecure Your Opt To Be A Jealous Person.....if That Helped Any.........linda Xx